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Hacker School Reboot - insights from leading API hackers [VIDEO]

Detectify is on a mission to drive the future of Internet security with automated and crowdsourced web solutions. API security and hacking is a pretty hot topic today and we invite 3 experts to join us for the latest Detectify Hacker School Reboot to present lightning talks on their experience and interests in hacking APIs. Detectify recently announced that we are researching, breaking and securing APIs.

Securing Amazon EKS Anywhere with Sysdig

Amazon EKS Anywhere is a new deployment option for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service that lets you create and operate Kubernetes clusters on-premises. With it, you can run containerized workloads in whatever location best serves your business. Carefully considering what’s needed for security will help you reduce risk and safeguard against potential threats.

Securing Your Cloud Future

Today, cloud and digital transformations have changed our environments dramatically and the old way of doing security just isn’t cutting it. It’s time for a new approach. Join us to hear from our VP of Security Products, Jane Wong and Head of Intelligence Platform, Patrick Coughlin how you can build an analytics-fueled, automation-driven and cloud-delivered security operation with Splunk Security Cloud.

How to use Cloud SOAR's search query bar to optimize workflow processes

At Sumo Logic, we always pride ourselves on our dedication to make Cloud SOAR as user-friendly as possible. Now, we’re going to show you in practice how we make that happen. Cloud SOAR’s Incident Search Query Bar is easily configurable and allows users to customize their viewing perspective and choose which data they want to see.

A Real-World Look at AWS Best Practices: Networking

Best practices for securing an AWS environment have been well-documented and generally accepted, such as in AWS’s guidance. However, organizations may still find it challenging on how to begin applying this guidance to their specific environments. In this blog series, we’ll analyze anonymized data from Netskope customers that include security settings of 650,000 entities from 1,143 AWS accounts across several hundred organizations.

IoT Devices Built to Meet Cybersecurity Needs

The Internet of Things (IoT) includes items such as smart appliances, smartwatches, and medical sensors. For organizations to enjoy all of the benefits and convenience of IoT devices, enterprise customers must fully understand the potential risks and threats to their systems and the underlying data. IoT devices often lack built-in security controls, a situation which creates risks and threats for federal agencies and consumers.

Everything You Need to Know about iOS Jailbreak Detection Bypass

iOS has always been considered a safe haven when it comes to mobile application security. Every year this operating system tries to come up with more and more efficient updates to make life easy for its users and the respective application and security service providers. However, for tech-savvy users, these timely improvements may not sound enough and there are always people who consider that there is room for more improvement. And hence comes the term ‘Jailbreaking’.