Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Pivoting to data security

End of summer 2020: Bearer takes the decision to pivot. We have been building an API monitoring & debugging solution for engineering and DevOps teams. We have a stable product and dozens of users onboard. Even so, after months of iterations product adoption is still low and our positioning with all-in-one monitoring solutions is disadvantageous. Product-Market-Fit (PMF) is definitely not in the line of sight.

2022 Predictions #1 - State-Sponsored Mobile Threats Trickle Down to the Cybercrime Underworld

Mobile malware certainly exists – especially on the Android platform – but hasn’t yet risen to the same scale of traditional desktop malware. In part, we believe this is due to mobile devices being designed with a secure mechanism (e.g., secure boot) from the start, making it much more difficult to create “zero-touch” threats that don’t require victim interaction. However, serious remote vulnerabilities have existed against these devices, though harder to find.

Snyk Open Source adds beta C/C++ security scanning for unmanaged OSS

We’re happy to announce the open beta of C/C++ security scanning in Snyk Open Source, enabling development and security teams to find and fix known security vulnerabilities in their C/C++ open source code and libraries! Used across various industry verticals and prominent within the gaming, hardware/IoT, and communications industries, C/C++ continues to have a major impact on software development and the technology space as a whole.

Cloud Threats Memo: Hard Statistics About Poorly Secured Cloud Accounts

Cloud accounts continue to be a valuable target for cybercriminals: not only do the resources of a compromised IaaS environment grant an immediate profit for the attackers, but the same infrastructure also provides a trusted environment to launch attacks against other targets.

Predictions 2022: Work-from-anywhere Marks the Beginning of the End of On-premises Security

A decade ago, many were reluctant to move to the cloud. Many felt like they would have to relinquish controls they had within their perimeters. That sentiment has since reversed, where organizations have become more comfortable with cloud technology. The newest concern is about corporate data leaving the cloud, especially as employees expect to work from anywhere. Software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications have enabled people to stay productive from anywhere, but have also amplified security gaps.

Threat news: TeamTNT stealing credentials using EC2 Instance Metadata

The Sysdig Threat Research Team has detected an attack that can be attributed to the TeamTNT. The initial target was a Kubernetes pod exposed outside the network. Once access was gained, the malware attempted to steal AWS credentials using the EC2 instance metadata. TeamTNT is a threat actor that conducts large-scale attacks against virtual and cloud solutions, like Kubernetes and Docker.

Correctly Configure Your Clouds: It's More Than Just Settings

Gartner made an interesting prediction just a few years ago: “Through 2025, 99% of cloud security failures will be the customer’s fault.” Practically every single cloud security failure can be fairly described as a misconfiguration of one kind or another. The 2025 end is kind of arbitrary, really; the prediction is likely to be true until the end of time. In my previous article, I discussed targeting these misconfigurations at their root.