Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Teleport 8 - Introducing Desktop Access

If your organization runs cloud-native workloads on a mixed infrastructure of Linux and Windows, this announcement of Teleport 8 is for you! TL;DR Teleport 8 enables easy and secure remote access to a mixed fleet of Linux/SSH and Windows/RDP hosts via a single TCP/IP port. Before we dive deeper into how it works, let’s introduce Teleport to new readers of this blog.

Visibility and Security for GKE Autopilot

GKE Autopilot from Google Cloud is a mode of operation in Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) designed to simplify working with Kubernetes in the cloud. Pairing secure DevOps practices with GKE Autopilot will help you and your teams ensure the security, compliance, and performance of your workloads and applications. Sysdig has collaborated with Google Cloud to enable visibility and security for GKE Autopilot and your containers.

Security risks of Cloud Computing | Threats, Issues and Challenges

Cloud computing is the latest buzzword in the IT world. It's often touted as a cost-saving, high-performance alternative to traditional on-site data storage solutions. But there are risks involved with cloud computing that you need to be aware of before jumping into this new technology! In this video, I'll discuss some different threats, issues and challenges related to security for companies who are considering moving their data up into the cloud or have already done so.

Ain't No Mountain High Enough: Achieving Zero Trust For A Mobile Workforce With Art Ashmann (VMware)

Widespread remote work has called for a paradigm shift in how we conduct enterprise cybersecurity. On this week’s Endpoint Enigma, VMware Staff EUC Solutions Engineer, Art Ashmann joins Hank Schless to discuss how mobile and cloud technology have enabled us to manage both work and personal responsibilities from anywhere and what organizations can do to securely take advantage of it.

Continuous REST API Testing With CI Fuzz

CI Fuzz is a platform for automated security testing that aims to enable developers to ship secure software fast. The platform empowers development teams to automatically deploy continuous REST API security tests with each pull request. Since it enables the instrumentation of entire web service environments, CI Fuzz can create test inputs that are guided by code coverage. This enables it to uncover complex vulnerabilities and edge cases that other tools often overlook.

2022 Predictions #1 - State-Sponsored Mobile Threats Trickle Down to the Cybercrime Underworld

Mobile malware certainly exists – especially on the Android platform – but hasn’t yet risen to the same scale of traditional desktop malware. In part, we believe this is due to mobile devices being designed with a secure mechanism (e.g., secure boot) from the start, making it much more difficult to create “zero-touch” threats that don’t require victim interaction. However, serious remote vulnerabilities have existed against these devices, though harder to find.