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Massive AI Call Center Data Breach: 10 million Conversations Leaked, Heightening Fraud Risks

In a significant breach, over 10 million customer conversations from an AI-powered call center platform in the Middle East have been exposed. This incident has raised alarm bells regarding the security vulnerabilities of AI platforms widely used in sectors such as fintech and e-commerce. As AI platforms become integral to business operations, the risks of compromised data tracking and brand impersonation have also escalated.

API Security Essentials: What You Must Know About Positive and Negative Models #apisecurity #api

In this video, we dive into the fundamentals of API security by comparing two key security models: Positive and Negative. Learn how each model works, their pros and cons, and how to choose the right one to protect your APIs effectively.

GitProtect 1.8.5 release brings a big launch - Azure DevOps Backup and DR

We are so proud to announce that GitProtect Backup and Disaster Recovery for Azure DevOps is here! The 1.8.5 release also brings a few improvements – performance, UX, and more – and small fixes. Let’s dig into more details.

What are patent trolls? How Cloudflare defeating Sable made patents public!

In this week’s episode, we look at patent trolls, what they are, and why a recent Cloudflare win also helps the industry to innovate. Host João Tomé is joined by Emily Terrell, Senior Legal Counsel, Litigation, and Patrick Nemeroff, Senior Director, Legal Counsel. We discuss how Cloudflare was sued by the patent troll Sable but emerged victorious. Sable was ordered to pay Cloudflare $225,000 and grant a royalty-free license to its entire patent portfolio.