Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


How VLSI Drives the Digital Revolution

VLSI (Very-Large-Scale Integration) is at the core of the digital revolution, powering the devices and technologies we rely on every day. By integrating millions of transistors onto a single chip, VLSI has enabled the creation of powerful, compact, and energy-efficient electronic devices like smartphones, computers, and smart gadgets. It drives innovation in industries like telecommunications, healthcare, and automotive, enabling technologies such as AI, IoT, and 5G.

Critical Infrastructure Under Siege: How Automation Can Safeguard Against Cyber Threats

In recent years, critical infrastructure (CI) has become a primary target for cybercriminals and nation-state actors. The systems that provide essential services such as energy, water, transportation, and healthcare are increasingly vulnerable to attacks that could have devastating consequences for entire regions or even nations.

What is India's Digital Personal Data Protection (DPDP) Act? Everything You Need to Know!

Data protection has become a critical concern worldwide as digital transactions and data exchanges grow. Countries are establishing strict data protection laws to safeguard personal information, and India is no exception. The Digital Personal Data Protection (DPDP) Act is India’s response to growing privacy concerns and the need for robust regulations around personal data usage.

See Falcon for Mobile in Action

As mobile devices become vital to daily operations, adversaries target them as entry points into organizations. Traditional security solutions fall short in combating the rising risks posed by mobile threats. With 51% of organizations experiencing mobile app-related incidents and 64% facing significant risk from mobile devices, it's time to secure these endpoints with Falcon for Mobile, which delivers advanced threat detection and protection for both Android and iOS devices.

Open Source Security for Hardening

OS hardening refers to the process of enhancing the security of an operating system by implementing various measures and practices to minimize vulnerabilities and strengthen its resistance against potential cyber threats and attacks. This involves configuring the OS settings, applying security patches, disabling unnecessary services, and implementing access controls to create a more robust and secure computing environment.