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Security Guidance from the Front Lines of Cloud Incident Response

In our first-ever Cloud Threat Summit, CrowdStrike’s Senior Vice President of Intelligence and Senior Director of Consulting Services discussed the most common ways adversaries breach the cloud and the steps organizations can take to stay safe.

Android App Penetration Testing Checklist with 154 Test cases [Free Excel File]

Get Free Android App Penetration Testing Checklist With 2.9 million apps, the Android Play Store is the most widely adopted mobile operating system. With its vast opportunities, Android also draws the attention of malicious hackers who continuously seek to exploit weaknesses in mobile applications. Because of security concerns, Google has banned many apps from the Play Store. Building a secure Android app requires thorough mobile application penetration testing.

CVE-2023-34362 - Zero-Day Vulnerability Discovered in MOVEit Transfer is Exploited in the Wild by Cl0p Ransomeware - Here's What you Need to Know

On May 29, 2023, a critical security vulnerability, identified as CVE-2023-34362, was published, leaving users of MOVEit Transfer software at high risk. According to Progress, organizations have reported possible exploitation in the wild. Therefore it’s crucial that any business using MOVEit Transfer to take immediate action, especially since all versions of this popular file transfer software are affected by this vulnerability.

Open Source Adoption and Why is Velero Backup so Popular

In the cloud native world, open source solutions are popular and widely used. Velero, an open source software, is quickly becoming a standard for Kubernetes backup and has been pulled over 100M times from Docker Hub! It is the most popular choice amongst Kubernetes community for backup and recovery. In a recent episode of TFiR, Swapnil Bhartiya sits down with Sathya Sankaran, Chief Operating Officer at CloudCasa by Catalogic, to talk about the power and potential of open source ecosystem.

Here's What ChatGPT and Netskope's Inline Phishing Detection Have in Common

Phishing attacks are a major cyber threat that continue to evolve and become more sophisticated, causing billions of dollars in losses each year according to the recent Internet Crime Report. However, traditional offline or inline phishing detection engines are limited in how they can detect evasive phishing pages. Due to the performance requirements of inline solutions, they can only target specific campaigns and, at best, act as a basic static analyzer.

Salt Announces Bi-directional Integration with Wiz!

We have exciting news to share! Salt Security is building a bi-directional integration with the Wiz cloud security platform! With this announcement, Salt becomes the first API security vendor to build a two-way integration with Wiz, giving Wiz customers the deepest and most actionable insights into API behaviors – all within Wiz’s comprehensive cloud security platform.

How To Get Rid of Viruses From Your iPhone

Malware is a persistent problem. As the digital age switched from desktops to handheld devices, so did hackers and other cybercriminals. Expansive enterprise attacks and small-scale phishing attacks now have companies with the inclusion of mobile data mining and virus infections. Your iPhone is no exception.