GitHub's Push Protection is now free for all public repositories, a significant milestone for open-source security! Find out the key points you need to keep in mind before using it to safeguard your code repositories.
00:00 Intro: welcome Chris!
03:05 Trends in cloud security, reflected at fwd:cloudsec
05:00 fwd:cloudsec submissions - more practitioners needed!
10:40 Blurring the lines: what does that practically means?
19:30 Cloud service providers maturity: their security posture evolved
24:30 Public Cloud Security Breaches
30:01 Public Cloud Security Breaches demo
32:35 the Last Pass attack deep dive
38:00 Identify the crown jewels!
ChatGPT has been taking the World by storm, but it’s bringing with it issues around cybersecurity, data protection, and data privacy. IT leaders and business leaders are looking to create policies that will help protect their people and corporate assets, but so few people really understand the technology well enough to grasp and weigh the benefits, the concerns, and implications for the cybersecurity industry, in general.
ChatGPT is a language model that generates fluent, contextually relevant responses to prompts in a conversational fashion. Because it can generate fluent text in multiple languages, it is gaining popularity among enterprise users who are using it to help with the writing process, to explore new topics, and to write code.
Experts in the cybersecurity industry are becoming increasingly concerned about artificial intelligence attacks. A 2020 report from Forrester Consulting found that 88% of decision-makers in the security industry believed offensive AI was on the horizon, and almost two-thirds of them expected AI to lead new attacks.
The rapidly evolving landscape of cybersecurity is witnessing the genesis of new paradigms, redefining the ways we perceive threat detection and response. Traditional approaches to cybersecurity are proving less effective against the sophistication of modern cyber threats. Among the many possible solutions, the integration of Threat Intelligence (TI) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands as an impressive contender, aiming to set a new standard in the industry.