Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Announcing Graylog API Security v3.6

Graylog API Security v3.6 is here! Just taking the version number by itself, v3.6 sounds like an incremental step forward. But the truth is that v3.6 isn’t just a release milestone; it’s a huge inflection point in our mission to improve API security. There are multiple “firsts” in v3.6, which makes the total combination even more exciting.

Introducing the Elastic Trust Center!

Your one-stop shop for transparent cloud security information Elastic® knows that security and compliance requirements are mandatory for regulated and non-regulated customers alike. We strongly believe in providing clear and transparent information to earn your trust in Elastic as an organization and in the services we provide. Our Trust Center is a public one-stop shop for information on security, compliance, privacy, and resiliency for Elastic and the Elastic Cloud.

Trustwave MailMarshal Now Available on the Microsoft Azure Marketplace

Trustwave MailMarshal is now listed on the Microsoft Azure Marketplace, an online store for solutions that are built on or built for Azure and intended for IT professionals and developers. Trustwave MailMarshal joins an illustrious list of IT software applications and services built by industry-leading technology companies.

Cloud penetration testing challenges and techniques

In recent years, cloud computing has become a pivotal element in modern business structure, fundamentally altering how you manage, process and safeguard your data. Its growth isn’t just a trend; it represents a shift in the digital paradigm, offering scalability, efficiency and innovative solutions to complex business needs. But with these advances come new challenges in cybersecurity, particularly in cloud environments.

Automated SCM project scanning with Black Duck SCA | Synopsys

Black Duck’s automated project onboarding meets teams where they already are and enables them to quickly onboard and scan multiple projects in a single step. This means no manual scanning needed, and no interfacing with builds or pipeline – these scans are mapped and executed entirely within Black Duck. In this video, we'll demonstrate how to.