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The IT Hour | JumpCloud Go-es Beyond Chrome 04.19.24

Scott Reed, Product Manager at JumpCloud joins us to talk about the latest updates on JumpCloud Go. Join us at 11:30 am ET. The #IT Hour hosted by #JumpCloud is a #communityprogram focused on the life of #ITAdministrators. With the ever changing #ITlandscape, having community and professional networking opportunities is very valuable. You can expect from our weekly conversations.

A Complete Overview of OWASP Mobile Top 10 2024 (+ A Free Checklist)

31% of executives cite improper risk identification as their organizations’ top cybersecurity challenge. Reacting only to attacks leads to an average 118-day breach detection time, which can significantly impact business. Staying informed about cybersecurity risks is crucial. OWASP offers a list of common threats for testers, but some find them insufficient due to its crowdsourced nature.

Built for Mobiles: Why Choose a Mobile-First Vulnerability Assessment Tool?

Security teams spend an average of 130 hours per week monitoring and tracking threats. 43% of cyber attacks are aimed at small businesses, while only 14% are prepared to defend themselves. Companies with more than 10,000 employees have the most critical-severity vulnerabilities. A vulnerability is an exploitable gap in your application's security. As your threat landscape increases, the attack surface and the number of vulnerabilities might also increase.

Building a software Bill of Materials with Black Duck

A necessary step in securing an application is evaluating the supply chain of each component used to create the application—no matter how many hands were involved in its development. If any links in the supply chain are obscured, it can be difficult to confidently assess the amount of risk that an application is susceptible to.

Expanding Horizons: The Role of IoT in Catalyzing Business Growth

Welcome to the frontier of modern business operations, where the Internet of Things (IoT) is not just a buzzword but a transformative force. It's an era where everyday objects are imbued with connectivity, allowing for seamless interactions and smarter decision-making. But what makes IoT so crucial for businesses today?

DDoS report Q1 2024, certificate changes, QR phishing, and more

In this week's episode, we discuss different topics from blogs that we published in the previous couple of weeks, right after our Developer Week 2024. Host João Tomé is joined by our Field CTO, Trey Guinn, based in San Francisco. We discuss our most recent DDoS threat report for Q1 2024, highlighting the continued increase in DDoS attacks and emerging trends. Additionally, we address Cloudflare's efforts to ensure our customers aren't affected by Let's Encrypt's certificate chain change, emphasizing the importance of certificates.

11 Best Practices to Secure your Nodejs API

If you are building an API, you are most likely evaluating the pros and cons of available technologies. Sooner or later, you will surely come across NodeJS. NodeJS helps to create stable, scalable, and backward-compatible APIs. Besides the functionalities, you can’t overlook the security risk that comes with them. Misconfigured, insecure APIs leave your companies with high-profile cyber-attacks. Like any APIs, those developed with NodeJS come with security threats.