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Your First 90 Days in a New AppSec Role with Anthony Israel-Davis - Secrets of AppSec Champions

Join host Chris Lindsey as he digs into the world of Application Security with experts from leading enterprises. Each episode is theme based, so it's more conversational and topic based instead of the general interview style. Our focus is growing your knowledge, providing useful tips and advice. With Chris' development background of 35 years, 15+ years of secure coding and 3+ years running an application security program for large enterprise, the conversations will be deep and provide a lot of good takeaway's that you can use almost immediately.

The Role of Automation in Managed File Transfer: Streamlining Workflows

In an era where efficiency and security are paramount, automation has become a critical component of Managed File Transfer (MFT) solutions. Automation in MFT streamlines workflows, reduces manual intervention, and ensures that file transfers are executed consistently and securely. This article delves into the role of automation in MFT and how it contributes to streamlined business operations.

How Cato's Managed SASE simplifies delivery of SASE to customers for our partners

How can our partners simplify delivery of SASE to their customers? We’re not leaving you to figure that out alone. MSASE (Managed SASE) was designed to make SASE delivery easier and better. Cato’s Sr. Director of Product Marketing, Sangita Patel, explains the idea behind our new offering.

Automatic visibility: the key to a more proactive data security program

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the ability to see, understand, and control data movement within an organization is more critical than ever. Cyberhaven’s customers are turning to our Data Detection and Response (DDR) platform to power their data security programs, moving away from legacy solutions that fail to offer comprehensive visibility. Cyberhaven stands out by providing unmatched insights into data usage and movement across every part of an organization.

The top 5 reasons endpoint agents are essential for data security

Agents can be a pain, we know! From deployment, to managing upgrades, dealing with agent conflicts, and responding to user complaints, we know security teams would rather achieve their objectives without an endpoint agent. But, when it comes to securing your company’s data, there are certain use cases that can only be achieved with an endpoint agent.

How to Send Encrypted Emails in Gmail in 5 Easy Steps

In today's digital landscape, email encryption is a key component of data protection, especially for organizations that handle personal, financial, or health-related information. Whether you need to safeguard Personally identifiable information (PII), Payment card data (PCI), Protected Health Information (PHI), secrets, or Intellectual Property (IP), this guide will walk you through the process of sending encrypted emails in Gmail.

Shield your acquisitions: security strategies for the 2024 M&A market

After economic headwinds caused a downswing in corporate mergers and acquisitions, analysts are projecting an increase in activity in the second half of 2024. This uptick in activity, however, will feature different trends due to the current economic and regulatory climate, with big implications for information security. Read on to learn more about projected shifts in acquisition strategy and the implications for information security!

What is API Security Testing & How to Perform It? A Detailed Guide

What is API Security Testing? API security testing is a process of carefully evaluating API endpoints to identify and remediate vulnerabilities such as fuzzy input, parameter tampering, or injection attacks. Acting as the first line of defense, it meticulously examines endpoints to identify and neutralize vulnerabilities before attackers can exploit them.