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3 Types of Bot Attacks to Guard Against

Bot attacks constitute a major danger to businesses and individuals. For five consecutive years, the percentage of global web traffic connected to bad bots has increased, reaching 32% in 2023, a 1.8% increase from 30.2% in 2022, while human traffic represented only 50.4%. These nefarious bots are designed to breach a system, access confidential files illegally, and disrupt normal operations, which leads to severe financial and reputational consequences.

SecurityScorecard and AWS Help Make Secure Software Procurement Faster and Easier

Organizations increasingly rely on third parties for business operations, and as a result are working with more digital suppliers than ever. According to Gartner, 60% of organizations work with more than 1,000 third parties and this number will grow. High-profile vulnerabilities such as Log4Shell are a constant reminder of the risks posed by a breakdown in the software supply chain. This has spurred enterprises to increase the rigor of software risk assessments to ensure supply chain security.

The Naver Deception: Analyzing Quasar RAT's Distribution through a Popular South Korean Platform

Quasar RAT, also known as xRAT, is a malicious remote access trojan (RAT) that primarily targets Windows systems. Developed as an open-source project around 2015, it quickly garnered attention in the cybersecurity community due to its flexibility and ease of modification. Quasar RAT allows cybercriminals to gain unauthorized remote access to infected computers, making it a potent tool for espionage and theft. How Quasar RAT Operates.

Creating Visibility In Your Digital Environment with Attack Surface Management (ASM)

In today’s IT environments, creating visibility in your digital environment with Attack Surface Management (ASM) is crucial for maintaining robust cybersecurity. ASM provides essential insights and tools to identify and protect your organization. This blog addresses several key questions that ASM helps answer, bolstering your resilience against cyber threats.

The Optimal Cyber Risk Management Tools to Streamline DORA Compliance

‍Over the past few decades, money has steadily transformed from a material entity to a digital one. Worldwide, people rely on the cyber realm to pay their bills, shop for food, and perform many other everyday activities. Corporations, too, particularly following the 2020 pandemic, are largely dependent on cloud-based operations, utilizing various management platforms and storing massive amounts of data online.

How To Educate Children About Online Password Safety

According to data from the Pew Research Center, over 33% of parents with children younger than 12 years old say their children started using digital devices before they were five years old. With children gaining access to technology at earlier ages than ever before, it is important to teach your children about online password safety. Password safety refers to the best practices of creating strong passwords and keeping them stored in a safe location.