Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Threat Actors Increasingly Exploit Deepfakes for Social Engineering

The availability of deepfake technology has given threat actors a valuable tool for social engineering attacks, according to researchers at BlackBerry. “Typically, online scams prey on the presumed weaknesses and susceptibility of the targeted individual,” the researchers write.

Cybersecurity in a Cycle: Balancing Repair and Replacement for Optimal Security

Regularly updating your policies, software, and systems is crucial to your long-term cybersecurity efforts. However, failing to properly plan these updates can undermine your continuity plans and impede your business's productivity and profitability. As a cybersecurity specialist, you can balance repairs and replacements by creating a dynamic, adaptive strategy that accounts for industry trends and responds to emerging threats without causing unnecessary expenses to the company.

How to add a Google Workspace organization as a Datasource for Backup

In this BDRSuite demo, I'll guide you through adding Google Workspace Organization as a Data Source in BDRSuite Backup Server BDRSuite provides a complete backup solution for your Google Workspace data, covering user mailboxes, Google Drive, calendars, contacts, and shared drives. It also features flexible storage options, data export in formats like PST, and much more.

5 Ways a Network Digital Twin Can Revolutionize CVE Compliance

In the rapidly evolving cybersecurity landscape, the sheer volume of Common Vulnerability and Exposure (CVE) notices has become a daunting challenge for SecOps teams. In 2023 alone, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) issued 28,901 CVE notices, reflecting the growing complexity and intensity of potential threats.

More than a security alert: A guide to nudges

As American poet Nikki Giovanni wisely observed, "Mistakes are a fact of life. It is the response to error that counts." This rings particularly true in the world of cyber security. Even the most vigilant individuals can make mistakes—after all, we’re only human. What truly matters is how we respond. Imagine a platform that automatically detects risky security behaviours, alerting employees and nudging them to fix their mistakes before they escalate?

DORA & NIS2: The Cybersecurity Regulation Revolution

Are you ready for DORA and NIS2? Discover how these regulations could transform your security strategy! Welcome back to another episode of Razorwire! Today we unpack the DORA and NIS2 regulations with esteemed cybersecurity expert Richard Cassidy. I’m your host, Jim Rees, and I’ll be guiding the conversation for anyone navigating the evolving landscape of digital security in the financial sector. In this information-packed episode.

Revival Hijack - PyPI hijack technique exploited in the wild, puts 22K packages at risk

JFrog’s security research team continuously monitors open-source software registries, proactively identifying and addressing potential malware and vulnerability threats to foster a secure and reliable ecosystem for open-source software development and deployment. This blog details a PyPI supply chain attack technique the JFrog research team discovered had been recently exploited in the wild.