Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


3 ways AppSec modernization is a game-changer for financial services

Today’s established financial services companies face high pressure from their competition. Many of them find that they must provide an innovative, customized customer experience (CX) or lose out to FinTech disruptors who are already doing CX well. As a result, these businesses are prioritizing innovative, feature-rich applications and adopting the latest and greatest in software development to speed up release cycles and increase productivity.

The Role of Deception in Securing Active Directory

90% of businesses around the world use Active Directory as their primary Directory Service. It plays an essential role in the identity and access management of large enterprises. In the past few years, attacks on Active Directory have soared. This is because it is a central platform where all the identities and accesses of employees are hosted, making it the keys to your enterprise.

TrustedInstaller - with great power comes great responsibility

TrustedInstaller is a Windows system account with special high-level permissions allowing it to modify certain system files, folders, and registry settings. It also prevents any account including administrator accounts from modifying these files and folders. Trustedinstaller.exe is a Windows Module Installer service, a part of Windows Resource Protection (WRP), which restricts access to core system files and folders preventing them from being modified or replaced.

Identifying Common Open Port Vulnerabilities in Your Network

When intruders want to break into an establishment, they look for an opening. An open port is one of the openings that a hacker or threat actor looks for to access a digital network. That open port may be on a firewall, a server, or any network-connected computing device. Just as a single unlocked door can jeopardize your privacy and grant access to a physical building, a single open port can provide a point for hackers to breach your systems, exposing you to their malicious intents.

What is SIEM in cyber security? Definition & Meaning.

Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) is a critical tool in modern cybersecurity, combining Security Information Management (SIM) and Security Event Management (SEM) to provide real-time monitoring, threat detection and incident response. Obrela’s SIEM solutions collect and analyse security data from various sources to provide a comprehensive view of the security landscape.

Random but Memorable - Episode 13.4: Creating Cybersecurity Program Pie with Alan Watkins

Why should we stop using work laptops for personal use? Is your car sneakily selling your driving data? We answer all that and more in Watchtower Weekly. We also invite special guest, Alan Watkins, to the show to walk through his book: Creating a Small Business Cybersecurity Program. Tune in, as Alan serves up a non-technical guide for small business owners to get started with security and putting privacy at the heart of their business.

This Month in Datadog: App Builder, updates to Vulnerability Management and App Security, and more

Datadog is constantly elevating the approach to cloud monitoring and security. This Month in Datadog updates you on our newest product features, announcements, resources, and events. To learn more about Datadog and start a free 14-day trial, visit Cloud Monitoring as a Service | Datadog. This month, we put the Spotlight on Datadog App Builder.

Top 10 data governance tools for 2024

While artificial intelligence and big data steal the spotlight, a less glamorous but equally crucial discipline is quietly shaping the future of business: data governance. With European regulators imposing fines of up to 17.29 million pounds for data mismanagement, it’s clear that data governance is not just a compliance checkbox. It’s a strategic investment that can empower your organization with a tangible return on investment.