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GDPR Compliance with Netwrix solutions

Netwrix helps organizations prepare for GDPR compliance audits and ensure the security of the personal data of EU citizens. Learn more at How can you spare yourself tons of stress in audit preparation, avoid being the next GDPR breach headline and keep your customers in the EU? Netwrix can help you secure the data you store about EU citizens, uphold their rights and prove your compliance to auditors.

Threat Hunting with Elastic APM

Learn how APM lets you monitor the performance of applications deployed anywhere within your network. Now you can use APM data to hunt for threats and injection attacks, too. Elastic provides a common data platform so you can view HTTP data collected with your APM agents in the Elastic SIEM app. It’s seamless monitoring and protection to keep your systems up, running, and secure.

Two-Years Later: The Current State of GDPR & its Impact on Businesses

In April 2016, European legislators passed the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and announced that it would become enforceable in May 2018. With less than 24 months to get their acts together and avoid hefty fines, organizations scrambled to prepare for compliance. Data breaches have unfortunately become the norm over recent years, and the legislation was formed to better regulate and hold these companies accountable for protecting individual privacy rights.

Orchestration and Automation Helps Defense, Intelligence Personnel Tackle Higher-Level Tasks

What if you could get your hands on a force multiplier that got rid of the repetitive, routine work that was tying down your team, got more productivity out of your assembled work force, and gave everyone a more challenging, meaningful to-do list that made better use of their knowledge, experience, and passion?

Cybersecurity in education: Securing schools as they transition to online learning

Whether they were prepared for it or not, schools around the world have been forced to adopt an online learning model for students thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the biggest concerns educators need to have in this situation is exactly how to create a fully secure remote learning environment in order to keep sensitive information for both the schools and individual students safe from hackers.

M-Shwari: A window into the future of micro credit

Micro credit is one of those financial offerings which resides at the rare confluence of societal benefit and profit motive. The impact of microcredit availability on self employment, children’s education, sanitation, poverty reduction and women empowerment have been the subject of countless studies.

9 Ways to Prevent Third-Party Data Breaches

The increasing number of third-party data breaches and the sensitive information they expose have negatively impacted consumer trust. Third-party breaches occur when sensitive data is stolen from a third-party vendor or when their systems are used to access and steal sensitive information stored on your systems. In today's interconnected economy, companies rely on third-parties.