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Black Box Testing: What You Need to Know

Today’s software development life cycle includes a variety of quality and security testing techniques at every stage. Frequent testing throughout the DevOps pipeline is imperative considering the ever-increasing pace of development. One of the most common testing methods that companies use to ensure the products they are pushing out are secure and high-quality is black box testing.

API Authorization at the Gateway with Apigee, Okta and OPA (Part 1)

API gateways have become a standard component in modern application architectures. The gateway exposes application APIs to the Internet and serves as a logical place to enforce policy. This is a two-part series about enforcing API authorization policies in Apigee with Okta as the identity provider (IdP).

Watch Here: Using Analytics to Measure AppSec ROI

Maximizing the value of your application security (AppSec) analytics not only provides a window into whether or not you’re meeting security requirements but also it helps you prove your ROI. That can be a challenge for a lot of organizations – when stakeholders are not close to the data, they may miss milestones like hitting goals for reducing security debt or even how much AppSec program has matured by data.

Instagram photo flaw could have helped malicious hackers spy via users' cameras and microphones

A critical vulnerability in Instagram’s Android and iOS apps could have allowed remote attackers to run malicious code, snoop on unsuspecting users, and hijack control of smartphone cameras and microphones. The security hole, which has been patched by Instagram owner Facebook, could be exploited by a malicious hacker simply sending their intended victim a boobytrapped malicious image file via SMS, WhatsApp, email or any other messaging service.

Redesigning the UI of an Enterprise Application: A Development Case Study

Web design trends come and go at a dizzying pace these days. While it might be easy to completely redo a simple website or a web application, visual design is not often a top priority for large-scale enterprise applications. But even with larger applications, there comes a time when the system’s look and feel becomes dated and the user experience is just not at the level it might be. And it directly impacts customers. It’s probably time for a refresh!

Imperatives for Today's Security Transformation

Industry research firm Gartner asked cybersecurity thought leaders to submit a video of themselves answering the question “What are your customers’ top security priorities?” for the Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit, a virtual event for the EMEA region held this month. Julian Waits, general manager of cybersecurity for Devo, was among those to whom Gartner posed the question. His video is below, and this blog post offers an expanded version of his response.

What is Managed Detection and Response (MDR)? Managed Security Services

Managed Detection and Response (MDR) goes by a variety of names like Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR), or maybe even XDR. Sure, the technologies may vary a bit, but the common denominator is that MDR will help your organization with proactive threat detection and response. At Cybriant, we call our MDR service Managed Detection and Remediation because our team will work with you to help remediate any issues that are found during the MDR process.

What is mobile device management? MDM explained

Not too long ago, the desktop computer was the primary computing device for enterprise employees. With the rise of mobile endpoints like smartphones, laptops and tablets, employees are connecting to corporate networks from a wide variety of places and devices. Today, especially with the popularity of the WFH (work from home) model, managing the multitude of mobile devices is more complicated than ever before. The statistics tell a sobering tale.

IDC MarketScape Names AT&T a Leader in Worldwide Managed Security Services

IDC recently published the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Managed Security Services 2020 Vendor Assessment, in which primary author Martha Vazquez and team studied 17 organizations that offer MSS globally. The report provides a comprehensive look at the top MSSP vendors, including AT&T Cybersecurity, and how managed security services are evolving to meet the needs of customers today.