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Data Protection

Can You Unlock Data And Eliminate The Risk Of Data Loss?

Companies accumulate massive amounts of data, whether it is intellectual property or customer and employee information. Data is a critical asset: it’s undeniable. If your business users have appropriate access to data, they can perform their jobs more efficiently and effectively, and they can analyze the data to derive key business intelligence that drives better business decisions. But if data isn’t protected from breaches, it can also be a liability.

Protecting Data and Promoting Collaboration During Times of Change

When it comes to the way we work, change is now the status quo — and it often happens so quickly that security teams have a tough time keeping up. Organizations that try to keep using their perimeter-based security solutions are hindering their workers’ ability to collaborate while also losing a handle on their data.

Discover Cloud Native Protection and Portability at Scale

Most enterprises today are running containerized applications in distributed environments (meaning their architecture uses a combination of cloud, core and edge resources). While distributed environments are beneficial for things like speed, efficiency and cost, they work best when data can freely and easily move between them. This can make it difficult for organizations to execute disaster recovery and migrations for their cloud-native applications at scale.

Data Protection is Finally a Barbecue Conversation for Ordinary Australians.

Cyber incidents are becoming increasingly common and disruptive–whether it’s ransomware, data breaches, or leaks. The number of compelling events in the last few months in Australia have shown us the implications for businesses, and their customers, when a breach occurs.

10 Data Protection Tips for 2023

2022 has been a busy year in cybersecurity with some high-profile breaches taking over the headlines late in the year. From simple negligence to unpatched systems, phishing emails, hackers, and malicious insiders our systems and data remain vulnerable. It’s clear that despite our best investments in security training and technology there is still room for improvement in 2023.

European Regulator Fines Facebook Parent Meta $276 Million for Data-Scraping Breach

A leading European regulator fined Meta Platforms Inc., the company that owns Facebook, 265 million euros, or around $276 million, for failing to better protect the phone numbers and other personal information of more than half a billion users from so-called data scrapers.

Impact of Cloud-based Platforms on School Security

Managing a learning environment is no longer limited to lessons in reading or arithmetic, physical education, or art and music. Today's education administrators are challenged with security risks, emergency responses, and dealing with incidents. Together with fostering a positive learning environment, they must also ensure the optimization of security protocols and the safety of staff and students.

Data Protection in Healthcare - 8 Tips for Securing Your Data

Healthcare organizations collect and accumulate data rapidly. This makes data protection in healthcare so difficult. The more data you have, the more privacy and security risks there are. Data breaches can affect your organization’s reputation. They can also incur major costs. For instance, HIPPA violations can be as much as $1.5 million yearly. And they will hold you – the healthcare provider – responsible for data breaches.