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Nightfall Data Loss Prevention makes HIPAA Compliance Possible

Covered entities bound by law to follow HIPAA regulations – like healthcare providers, health plans, and others handling protected health information (PHI) – need to demonstrate efforts to secure PHI. The specific measures required to do so are detailed in the HIPAA security rule which states that covered entities must put controls into place to identify and protect against anticipated threats to the security and integrity of PHI.

How to Safely Collect and Store Patient Data

With telemedicine, cloud storage, and electronic record-keeping on the rise, patient data has found itself a common target for hackers. As a result, healthcare organizations must adapt and become even more diligent in their protection of sensitive patient and financial data. Fortunately, the right technology and protocols can minimize your risk of attack and help keep your patient data secure. This post covers the most important security factors for collecting and storing patient information.

Innovation in clinical genomics starts with DLP for Boston Lighthouse

Boston Lighthouse Innovations is a start-up that offers a clinical genomics solution suite with processing and reporting workflows for patient diagnostics. The nine-person team grew out of Massachusetts General Hospital’s molecular pathology department, which uses genetic data to diagnose cancer.

Nightfall helps modernize The Brain and Spine Clinic with DLP for Slack

Dr. Jacob Januszewski opened The Brain and Spine Clinic in January 2020 to serve his community in eastern Florida. Jacob combines his expertise in Minimally Invasive (MIS) Complex Spine Deformity surgery with patient care and compassion to help anyone who visits his clinic get the treatment they need and ensure a smooth recovery.

Staying safe in Slack: Blossom Bariatrics counts on Nightfall for HIPAA compliance

The bariatric surgery market is growing year over year in the United States, from 158,000 surgeries in 2011 to 252,000 surgeries in 2018. Over the last decade, weight loss surgery demand has increased, leading to a boom in the number of clinics offering these procedures. Blossom Bariatrics has become one of the premier bariatric surgery clinics in the Las Vegas area. They provide surgical treatment options for weight loss, plus hernia, gallbladder, and anti-reflux surgeries.

What Are the Ways to Respond to an Unintentional HIPAA Violation?

Accidents or mistakes are bound to happen. Even if healthcare providers and business associates are compliant to HIPAA Standards, there is always a possibility of unintentional or accidental disclosure of Protected Health Information (PHI). Accidental disclosure of PHI includes sending an email to the wrong recipient and an employee accidentally viewing a patient’s report, which leads to an unintentional HIPAA violation.

Security concerns and solutions regarding blockchain use in healthcare

The healthcare industry is transforming with the integration of ground-breaking technologies capable of storing patient records electronically. The shift to the digitization of systems makes a variety of healthcare solutions possible that never could have been imagined — but it also puts healthcare data at risk to hackers and cyber attacks. In answer to this problem, blockchain technologies are emerging as a viable option for the storage and updating of electronic health records (EHRs).

Most Popular HIPAA-Compliant Cloud Storage Services

Cloud computing provides undeniable benefits for storing and accessing electronic health records. Files stored in the cloud are accessible anytime and anywhere from any device, which makes it easy to share critical medical information between healthcare workers. But is cloud storage secure enough to store, access and transfer sensitive personal and medical information?

Is Microsoft 365 HIPAA Compliant?

Office 365 HIPAA compliance is a pressing concern for an increasing number of healthcare companies. Microsoft’s robust cloud solution lets providers keep records and communicate with ease — but is it too easy? Can sensitive information really be protected if it’s stored in the cloud? Cloud computing has been making inroads into the healthcare industry for several years.

6 Cloud Security Threats Healthcare Companies May Face - With Solutions

For healthcare organizations that handle a lot of patient data, including very sensitive information, cloud computing is a revolution to data storage. Cloud computing in healthcare lowers data storage costs (compared to the old paper-storage era), enables easy retrieval of patient data and also improves the privacy of patient information. This has inevitably led to a rise in the adoption of cloud computing in healthcare.