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Nearly 50% of healthcare organizations suffer from data breaches

The findings from a recent Gartner Peer Insights survey- Cybersecurity in the Healthcare Industry- show that nearly half of participating healthcare organizations have experienced a data breach in the past two years. As the number of connected and unmanaged devices increases, threats targeting IoT, IoMT and OT devices can undermine patients' confidence in the ability of healthcare organizations, and the industry as a whole, to deliver high-quality care and protect their safety.

How to Reduce Cyber Insurance Premiums in Healthcare

‍Cyber insurance is becoming increasingly important and necessary as cyber attacks become more sophisticated and frequent. Healthcare is one of the most targeted industries because of the valuable medical data they handle and the lack of proper cybersecurity protections. Although cyber insurance doesn’t prevent security breaches, it provides a safety net for businesses to cover their financial losses.

How the Healthcare Industry Can Prevent Data Breaches

According to a report released by IBM and Ponemon, the healthcare sector has the highest rates of security breaches and cyber attacks globally. The average cost of a data breach for healthcare organizations is around $10.1 million, while the global average for all industries sits around less than half of that amount, at about $4.35 million.

Why Healthcare Data is a Primary Target for Cybersecurity Threats?

Over the past several decades, cybercrime has evolved to be more comprehensive, threatening, and damaging. There is an emerging trend of cybercriminals attacking all sorts of individuals and organizations in the industry. The healthcare industry has been a soft target for many years and healthcare data is a prime target for cybercriminals intent on stealing data.

Data Breach Outlook: Health Care is the Most Breached Industry of 2022

Data breaches have become an unfortunate reality of the digital world we live in. While there is no doubt that efforts can be made to mitigate the chances of a data breach, living in a completely data breach-free world is not realistic. Apart from having processes and technology in place to prevent data breaches, companies should also have a plan of action in case they do suffer a breach. One aspect of being prepared is understanding how vulnerable your industry may be to data breaches.

Nightfall's New PHI Detector Improves Security Automation for Healthcare Orgs

With Nightfall’s enhanced PHI detection capabilities, which are based on an advanced combination of logic and context, it is very easy to identify specific instances of PHI unique to organizations. What’s even better is that all of this can be automated and tie seamlessly into existing customer workflows.