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Automated Threat Intelligence: An Overview

SecOps and security teams spend an excessive amount of time sifting through low-value, poorly-contextualized alarm data rather than actively hunting for valid threats. This is because bad actors are constantly looking to steal whatever they can hold onto with the least exposure. Recent ransomware attacks in critical business sectors only serve as reminders that organizations cannot lie dormant. This blog post will unpack strategies to help overcome these challenges and explain why integrating threat intelligence with security orchestration and automation is critical for an effective security operations strategy.

Automating Identity Lifecycle Management

The identification of every user making a request to a given system is vital to ensuring that action is only taken by, and information only returned to, those who need it. This happens in two steps: first, the requester is identified (authenticated), and then that identity is used to determine which parts of the application they are allowed to access.

Build an Automation-First Security Culture

When you think about how to automate processes within the IT industry, your mind probably goes first to tools. After all, the past decade has witnessed an explosion of tools from across the industry that promise to make it easy to automate virtually every aspect of IT operations — from low-code development solutions that automate coding, to release automation tools for applications, to automated monitoring and security platforms.

Splunk SOAR: Anyone Can Automate

If you haven’t heard the news, Splunk Phantom is now Splunk SOAR – available both on-prem and in the cloud. What does this mean to you? You can deploy SOAR in the way that best supports your business needs. No matter what deployment you choose, you can automate from anywhere, and truly “SOAR your own way!” Hot on the heels of our cloud release is another exciting announcement: Splunk SOAR’s new Visual Playbook Editor.

5 Automated Anti-Phishing Protection Techniques

In an age when attackers create over a million phishing sites each month, and phishing serves as a beachhead for 95 percent of all attacks against enterprise networks, how can businesses respond? Part of the answer lies in educating users to recognize and report phishing, of course. But user education only goes so far – particularly because the same statistics cited above show that, on average, only 3 percent of users will report phishing emails.

Manual security testing services vs. automated AppSec tools: Which to use?

Manual security testing services and automated AppSec tools have their place in DevOps. Knowing which to use will make your security efforts more effective. AppSec tools that can quickly identify secrets or sensitive data accidentally (or intentionally) inserted in source code are crucial in automatically scanning millions of lines of code to find critical security issues.

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The Cost of Avoiding Security Automation

Security touches every aspect of an organization's infrastructure and influences most of its processes. That's a lot to cover, and it seems like there are never enough people to handle the work. Even with budgets increasing by an average of 10% annually over the last 5 years, the recent increase in remote work and cloud adoption is stretching security teams even thinner.