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Challenging the Access Management Status Quo

Once upon a time, workers sat in offices, only used corporate desktops and crossed a single authentication checkpoint to access company resources kept snugly behind a protective barrier. The world has changed dramatically since then. Cloud and hybrid environments are vast and complex. Work happens anywhere and everywhere. Company employees, contractors, partners and other users interact daily with multiple endpoints—personal and company-owned—alongside SaaS applications and sensitive data.

What is Session Hijacking and 8 Ways to Prevent It

What if there were a way to negate the effectiveness of multi-factor authentication (or even bypass secure login protocols) without ever cracking a password? Session hijacking offers attackers a tempting shortcut to user accounts, bypassing the usual security barriers. In 2022 alone, researchers scouring the shadier corners of the internet (like the dark web) found 22 billion device and session cookie records – each of which could help to enable session hijacking.

User Activity Monitoring: Unlocking Productivity for Remote and On-site Workforces

Whether managing a distributed workforce, balancing a range of devices and systems, or navigating the complexities of hybrid work, challenges are everywhere: fragmented workflows, operational inefficiencies, and concerns about insider risks. Solving these issues can feel like an uphill battle without clear visibility into digital workforce behavior.

How SASE Helps Address IT Burnout and Reduce Operational Risks

In today’s fast-paced business environment, IT teams are under increasing pressure to keep networks running smoothly and securely. The burden of managing a growing number of endpoints, networks, and cloud services—combined with constant threats of cyberattacks—can lead to IT burnout. Burnout affects the well-being of IT professionals and increases the likelihood of human error, such as misconfigurations, missed patches, and slow response times to incidents.

What is PHI? (Protected Health Information)

Protected Health Information (PHI) is a critical aspect of healthcare, encompassing any data that can identify an individual and is used in the context of medical care. Examples of PHI include personal identifiers (name, address, Social Security number), medical records, health insurance information, and even communications containing health details.

AppSentinels: Ensuring Adherence to SEBI's CSCRF API Security Standards

Since 2015, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has introduced several cybersecurity and cyber resilience frameworks to address evolving cybersecurity risks and strengthen the resilience of regulated entities (REs). Additionally, SEBI has issued multiple advisories on best practices to guide REs in enhancing their cybersecurity posture.