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Healthcare's $82.7 Billion Challenge: Link Between Administrative Spending and Efficiency

According to CAQH, the increasing rate of administrative spending in the healthcare industry has grown by 50%. That is also equivalent to the healthcare industry expenditure of $82.7 billion, highlighted in NCBI research. The increased spending specifically points to how health industry stakeholders need to understand the relationship between the costs of administration and operational efficiency.

Low-Latency Networks: How Enterprise Components Minimize Data Delays

Low-latency networks are important from a business perspective in that they help reduce the delays in data and enhance overall efficiencies of operations. With futuristic goals, businesses will prioritize networks with fewer or no delays since they want data to be processed in real-time for fields such as finance, healthcare, and cloud computing. According to Cisco, the demand for low-latency networking will continue increasing as organizations further digitize their operations. These networks often require specialists to design and optimize for ultimate performance.

Most Dangerous Attack Techniques on Consumers and Enterprises and How to Protect Yourself

Ankit Ahuja (IAM Specialist), our in-house expert. The master key to locking down your data, from multi-factor authentication to cutting-edge security protocols. He delivered an insightful session on the - “Most Dangerous Attack Techniques on Consumers and Enterprises and How to Protect Yourself.”

Ransomware Groups Report 2024 - Q3

Although 2024 began with a Q1 decline in the frequency of ransomware attacks, the second quarter was underscored by a return to a much more intimidating world of ransomware attacks globally, and the third quarter continues the trend of the second. In Q2 2024, the number of attacks stood at 1,277 cases, but Q3 saw a small decrease of 5.5% with 1209 cases.

Container Runtime Security: What is it and how to set it up?

Containers have quietly become indispensable in the modern application deployment stack, revolutionizing how we build, ship, and run applications. However, with their widespread adoption comes a pressing concern. According to the 2024 State of Kubernetes Security Report, 45% of respondents experienced a runtime security incident in the last 12 months. This raises a few questions: What exactly is container runtime security?

The Problem With Third-Party Breaches: A Data Protection Dilemma

Time and time again, organisations face an escalating threat to their data: Third-party breaches. As businesses increasingly rely on external vendors and partners for various services, the security of sensitive information becomes more vulnerable. This poses the question: Are traditional security measures still effective or obsolete in protecting vital information?

What Is a Red Team Exercise & Why Should You Conduct One?

While no-one can predict if and when a cyber attack will take place, a red team exercise is as close as an organization can get to understanding its full level of preparedness. Red team exercises conducted by certified ethical hackers are key to uncovering hidden vulnerabilities and addressing them before they impact a company’s cyber resilience.