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Press Release

SECUDE Celebrates 25 Years of Innovation and Delivery of Excellence to its Customers

LUCERNE, DECEMBER 2021: SECUDE, a leading Digital Rights Management (DRM) solutions provider, and Microsoft Partner, is celebrating the 25th year of innovation and delivery of excellence to its customers. SECUDE is looking back proudly at the many milestones in its history of shaping the data security industry.

Nuvias Group Further Invests in Cyber Security and the BeLux Market with Deltalink Acquisition

Nuvias Group, the European high value distributor, is further accelerating its growth through a second investment this year, by acquiring Deltalink, the Value-Add Distributor (VAD) of cyber security and networking solutions, based in Belgium.

WatchGuard Cloud Adds New Endpoint Security Modules to Further Strengthen its Unified Security Platform

Partners and customers using WatchGuard's Endpoint Security solutions can now layer on Patch Management, Encryption, Reporting and Data Control to simplify management and create new revenue opportunities.