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Press Release

Crossword Cybersecurity Plc acquires threat intelligence company, Threat Status Limited

Crossword Cybersecurity Plc is pleased to announce its acquisition of the whole of the share capital of Threat Status Limited, the threat intelligence company and provider of Trillion™, the cloud based software as a service (SaaS) platform for enterprise-level credential breach intelligence has now completed.
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Threat intelligence is your first line of ransomware defense

Ransomware criminals are masters of their trade. They deploy a wide variety of techniques to infiltrate targeted systems and exfiltrate valuable data. Threat actors are located all over the world, and it can often seem impossible to keep track of emerging threats.

A quarter of critical vulnerabilities exposed during penetration tests are not being remediated by businesses

Today, new research from cyber security specialist Bulletproof found the extent to which businesses are leaving themselves open to cyber attack. The research found that when tested, 28% of businesses had critical vulnerabilities - vulnerabilities that could be immediately exploited by cyber attacks. A quarter of businesses neglected to fix those critical vulnerabilities, even though penetration testing had highlighted them to the business after a retest was completed.