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Press Release

Endace and Cubro Announce Partnership to Eliminate Network Blind Spots, Accelerate Investigation, and Streamline Workflows

ndace and Cubro today announced a partnership to deliver fast, accurate and robust network security to their customers, combining Endace's industry-leading packet capture and always-on network recording with Cubro's portfolio of world class network visibility solutions.

Speedcast Adds Software Path Certification from AWS to Its Cloud Qualifications, Bringing New Value to Customer Solutions

Technical validation of Speedcast SIGMA adds to the company's credentials within the APN, including Advanced Tier Services and AWS Public Sector Program. Speedcast's SIGMA platform runs on AWS to provide customers with simplified network management and quick adaptation for changing operational needs. Speedcast subject matter experts collectively hold more than 32 AWS certifications and 84 AWS accreditations to help customers navigate a secure and flexible path to cloud and application modernization.

node-ipc sabotages JavaScript developers

On March 15, in an apparent act of protest against the Ukraine crisis, a supply chain attack was created which affects users of the popular JavaScript front-end development framework Vue.js and the Unity Hub. The attack creates a file with an antiwar message and introduces security vulnerabilities, with an earlier version corrupting user files on machines with Russian and Belorussian geolocations, replacing characters with heart emoji.

Linux 'Dirty Pipe' vulnerability: Snyk explains the risk and what you can do to protect your systems

Last week, a critical vulnerability was discovered in Linux. Developer-first security company, Snyk, warns Linux users of the flaw in the Linux kernel that can be exploited by attackers allowing any process to modify files regardless of their permission settings or ownership.