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Remote Work

How To Maintain Security When Employees Work Remotely

As remote work increases, organizations are faced with new cybersecurity challenges. When employees access sensitive company data from various locations and devices, traditional security perimeters dissolve and create potential vulnerabilities. This guide focuses on proactive measures, strategies, best practices, and advanced monitoring solutions to employ when your employees work remotely.

Working From Home - and Homing From Work - Poses Unique Cybersecurity Challenges

Since 2020, working from home has become commonplace. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, almost every company had to switch their traditionally in-office employees to some version of hybrid or remote work. Indeed, working from home became the new “normal” almost overnight. We all have a variety of collective experiences and observations during this time of no longer commuting to work, sitting in a cubicle, or chatting with coworkers at the water cooler.

Top Remote Work Security Risks Every Organization Should Know

Remote work has become the new normal for many organizations worldwide. According to USA Today, approximately 14% of Americans now work from home, and around a third of all people who can work remotely choose to. Hybrid work is also increasing, with 41% of people splitting time between home and the office.

5 Best Tools for Digital Nomads to Work Securely From Anywhere

The allure of the digital nomad lifestyle has attracted over 40 million people worldwide looking to escape the office and work from the beach, inner city, or remote islands. Obviously, a decent laptop and a stable internet connection are required for this lifestyle. Outside of these, there are more tools for digital nomads they should bring with them as they travel the globe. These tools relate to: However, security and privacy are important concerns for digital nomads working in unfamiliar places.

Remote Work Security: Trusting Employees and Protecting Data

With the rise of remote work, ensuring that employees are actually working from secure locations is more crucial than ever. This clip discusses the trust issues and risks associated with employees working from unapproved locations, highlighting the need for robust IT asset management and security protocols to protect sensitive data.

The Cyber Security Risks of The Remote Work Revolution

The COVID-19 pandemic kickstarted a seismic shift in how we work, transforming remote work from a niche arrangement to a mainstream necessity. While this shift has unlocked numerous benefits such as increased flexibility, reduced commute times, and enhanced work-life balance, it has also exposed organisations to a new array of cyber security risks. Cyber attacks were expected to have cost the world $8 trillion USD in 2023, with that number expected to rise to $9.5 trillion in 2024 and $10.5 trillion in 2025.

Remote Work Business Continuity: Best Practices

Incorporating remote work among companies has been one of the developments in recent years. In fact, a staggering 98% of employees express their desire to have this kind of dynamic in their jobs. The shift is here to stay as more and more organizations are adopting it as part of their work culture because of its many advantages. This integration is essential as employers move forward with their business continuity plans.

What Are the Cybersecurity Risks of Remote Work?

Working remotely has allowed organizations to enhance their efficiency and provide employees with flexibility. However, remote work comes with cybersecurity risks that can often lead to data breaches and jeopardize an organization’s security. The five cybersecurity risks of remote work are using weak passwords, an insecure internet connection, unencrypted file sharing, an expanded attack surface and the use of personal devices.