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Remote Work

Egnyte's Chief Security Officer Provides Practical Advice for IT Admins Of a Remote Workforce

Companies around the globe scrambled to make work life productive for their employees once health and government mandates instructed offices to close. While the Internet became awash in work from home advice for employees, it was the IT admins who had to quickly enable their workforces to be productive, secure, and fully equipped to mimic the office environment at their kitchen table.

Managing a Remote Team

Remote work has been in existence and flourishing for quite a long time in the industry, even before the pandemic. But, the problem at hand, is for companies who need that one-to-one interaction, as and when needed. For instance, if you are a digital marketing agency, your marketing team and your sales team ought to be on the same page. Working remotely is something new for Appknox as well and hard for us as security teams need to be in close proximity with the server and each other to help and solve problems and issues quickly and swiftly.

Zoom in on Security in a Remote Work World

Our world has been turned upside down by COVID-19. Whether it's strategically planning our grocery run decontamination process, or trying to keep the kids quiet for even one single moment while on a conference call — things are different. One very evident difference is the change in the way we meet with each other. And one technology enabling this change is Zoom.

Appknox Webinar - All Things Security for Your Remote Workforce!

Remote work poses unique challenges for companies because employees are not physically working on-site, they're often relying on their own Wi-Fi networks and devices to access company data and infrastructure. To mitigate security risks, companies must implement clear and comprehensive data security policies and take proactive measures to ensure complete cybersecurity for their remote teams.