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How to Secure and Troubleshoot your Microservices Network on Amazon EKS

Many development teams select Amazon EKS as the best platform to run their microservices. Adopting Amazon EKS is easy, but running applications in production requires additional capabilities to meet compliance requirements, detect potential security incidents, and troubleshoot networking problems that can often occur.

Vulnerability assessment | ManageEngine Vulnerability Manager Plus

ManageEngine Vulnerability Manager Plus is a prioritization driven threat and vulnerability management solution for enterprises with built-in remediation. This video covers how you can utilize Vulnerability Manager Plus to discover vulnerabilities, put them in context to understand their impact and urgency, and swiftly remediate the imminent vulnerabilities with a built-in patching workflow.

Create and Manage API Users in the Veracode Platform

In this video, you will learn how to configure an API service account in the Veracode Platform. To be able to access the Veracode APIs, you must either have a user account or API service account with the required user roles for performing specific API tasks. Before you can configure these two account types, you must log into the Veracode Platform using an account with the Administrator role or Team Admin role. A user account with the required role permissions can access the Results XML API, Upload XML API, and the Mitigation and Comments XML API.

CIS Controls: Use Cases and Cost Justification

Across the cybersecurity community, there’s wide agreement that the Center for Internet Security’s 20 CIS Controls act as a gold standard framework for system hardening and attack surface reduction. What’s not so widely agreed-upon is the best way to implement the controls, as organizations have a surplus of cybersecurity solutions to choose from to get the job done.