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Downtime Should Never Be Unplanned

After the onset of Covid-19, organizations pivoted quickly from a fixed, traditional kind of infrastructure to a virtual, distributed one to support remote workers and enable social distancing. The nature of stop-gap responses to this crisis opens your organization up to more risk, less resiliency and redundancy. How are you going to make sure your flexible architecture and dispersed teams can deal with penetrations, loss of connectivity and other outages? Now, more than ever, comprehensive governance across all of your infrastructure—in both IT and OT networks—is essential.

Questions about Managed Security Services (MSS)? Find answers here...

For organizations that might be new to the world of managed security services (MSS), what is the process of getting started like? What are the main benefits that a client should expect to realize? And how does managed threat detection and response (MTDR) fit into the mix? To find out, we interviewed Rachelle Felix-Blackmon, Director of Global MSS Business Operations at Trustwave.