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Introduction to multi cluster security using Calico Enterprise

Now that you’ve deployed your network policies to secure your Kubernetes cluster, how do you deploy your policies to other clusters? What do you do each time a new cluster is provisioned? And how do you deploy changes to your policies? Most organizations have a set of central security policies, and many are deploying Kubernetes across multiple clouds and on-prem. Scaling security becomes a formidable challenge. Calico Multi-Cluster Management is a feature in Calico Enterprise that Federates network security policies across multiple clusters – whether on-prem, hybrid, or multi-cloud.

Netwrix Auditor for Windows File Servers - Overview

Netwrix Auditor for Windows File Servers maximizes visibility into what's going on across Windows file servers by classifying sensitive data and providing actionable audit data about all changes made to files, folders, shares and permissions; and reporting on both successful and failed access attempts. Today, it’s hard to imagine an enterprise that doesn’t rely on file servers to store its data — including valuable and sensitive data. This makes file servers a key target for all sorts of attackers, including both anonymous hackers and disgruntled employees.