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GDPR Compliance with Netwrix solutions

Netwrix helps organizations prepare for GDPR compliance audits and ensure the security of the personal data of EU citizens. Learn more at How can you spare yourself tons of stress in audit preparation, avoid being the next GDPR breach headline and keep your customers in the EU? Netwrix can help you secure the data you store about EU citizens, uphold their rights and prove your compliance to auditors.

Threat Hunting with Elastic APM

Learn how APM lets you monitor the performance of applications deployed anywhere within your network. Now you can use APM data to hunt for threats and injection attacks, too. Elastic provides a common data platform so you can view HTTP data collected with your APM agents in the Elastic SIEM app. It’s seamless monitoring and protection to keep your systems up, running, and secure.

Outpost24 webinar: Improve Your Organization's Security With Red Teaming

Security assessments can be performed in many ways, depending on your organization’s maturity level and goals. Whilst vulnerability scanning can help to identify security flaws on a broader scope and penetration testing can conclude the risk level of vulnerabilities discovered, if you need to understand the full picture of your organization’s security awareness and readiness, a scenario-based Red Teaming Assessment (RTA) is the best way to assess the effectiveness of your defence mechanism from a hacker’s view.

Outpost24 webinar - Why security perfection is the enemy of DevSecOps

triving for total security is like searching for the holy grail: the chase is real, but mostly in vain. By spending too much time discovering vulnerabilities and fixing issues, it often leads to the dire consequences of missing delivery deadlines, crippling the development team’s ability to move forward and capture market opportunity.

Veriato Vision Intro and Demo

Veriato Vision employee monitoring software lets you record and track all of your employees' activity... so you’ll know if they are working hard or hardly working. Vision gives you granular control over what activities and programs you monitor. Once the Vision software is deployed on the company's PCs, Macs, and Androids, you can remotely monitor by the department, group, or individual. Additionally, you can monitor employees that are off-network or working remotely.

Netwrix Data Classification - Overview

Netwrix Data Classification is a software platform that helps you solve your most critical data security, content optimization and compliance needs, regardless of where your data is located. Every day employees produce tons of data. This skyrocketing data growth causes problems across the organization. Users can’t find the documents they need. Sensitive files get placed on public shares. Data storages reach their limits. It’s harder and harder for you to satisfy requests from your legal and compliance departments. Don’t let this pressure get a hold.