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Webinar | Industry Best Practices for SSH Access | Teleport | How To

We've all used SSH dozens of times, but do we really understand how to SSH properly? Using such a powerful tool can come with a lot of risks, especially when we're on highly distributed teams with well-trodden workflows that can be tough to change. In an era of sophisticated phishing attacks and threats always knocking at our doors, we could all use a little help with making sure our infrastructure is as secure as it can be.

Cybriant MDR: Free 30-Day Trial

MDR is cybersecurity for your remote workforce. But, MDR from Cybriant is all about Remediation...not just Response. Here are some reasons to consider MDR from Cybriant: Our security platform uses artificial intelligence to track and contextualize every single activity on your computer systems. The Cybriant security platform will pinpoint malicious acts in real-time and automatically stop them in their tracks before they become a threat.

Kubernetes Security - Intrusion Detection and Mitigation

By default, pods are not isolated. This means that malicious actors once inside may wander freely throughout your kubernetes cluster. During this session we’ll discuss the different attack vectors and how to mitigate. Intro to attacking kubernetes and applications Network policies, isolation and quarantining IDS and honeypots concepts