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iDevNews Application Architecture Summit 2020 | RBAC for SSH and Kubernetes Access with Teleport

Enterprises are best served by leveraging an RBAC system to manage access to their SSH and Kubernetes resources. With Teleport, an open source software, employers are able to provide granular access controls to developers based on the access they need and when they need it. This makes it possible for employers to maintain secure access without getting in the way of their developers’ daily operations. Join Steven Martin, Solution Engineer at Gravitational, as he demonstrates how to assign access to developers and SRE’s across environments with Teleport through roles mapped from enterprises’ identity providers or SSOs.

Demo | Access Workflow Integration Using Pager Duty | Privileged Access Management | Teleport

Teleport allows you to implement industry-best practices for SSH and Kubernetes access, meet compliance requirements, and have complete visibility into access and behavior. But invariably, change happens. Teleport allows users to request elevated privileges in the middle of their command-line sessions and create fully auditable dynamic authorizations . These requests can be approved or denied in PagerDuty or anywhere else via a flexible Authorization Workflow API.

What is Managed Detection and Response (MDR)? Managed Security Services

Managed Detection and Response (MDR) goes by a variety of names like Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR), or maybe even XDR. Sure, the technologies may vary a bit, but the common denominator is that MDR will help your organization with proactive threat detection and response. At Cybriant, we call our MDR service Managed Detection and Remediation because our team will work with you to help remediate any issues that are found during the MDR process.

Escape The Ticketing Turmoil | Slack/PagerDuty Integrations | Teleport Workflow API

Teleport allows you to implement industry-best practices for SSH and Kubernetes access, meet compliance requirements, and have complete visibility into access and behavior. But invariably, change happens. Teleport allows users to request elevated privileges in the middle of their command-line sessions and create fully auditable dynamic authorizations. These requests can be approved or denied via ChatOps in Slack, in PagerDuty, or anywhere else via a flexible Authorization Workflow API.

SKILup Day DevSecOps | How To Securely Access Compute Resources In Cloud Environments | Virag Mody

Virag Mody, Technical Writer for Gravitational gave a concise talk on Infrastructure Security best practices for SKILupDays DevSecOps 2020. In the talk he covers why certificate authorities are so important, and what individuals can do to create a more secure infrastructure access process.