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BlueVoyant Awarded Microsoft Worldwide Security Partner of the Year, Recognizing Leading-Edge Cyber Defense

We are over the moon to share that BlueVoyant has been awarded the Microsoft Worldwide Security Partner of the Year, demonstrating our leading-edge cyber defense capabilities and our strong partnership with Microsoft. We have also been recognized as the Microsoft United States Security Partner of the Year for the third time, and the Microsoft Canada Security Partner of the Year for the first time.

Cloud Security Compliance: Ensuring Data Safety in the Cloud

Modern organizations know that protecting their data is absolutely critical. That’s where cloud security compliance comes in. Satisfying regulatory standards helps organizations protect against unauthorized access and data breaches, as well as other security incidents. Beyond protecting data, compliance also protects organizations from the legal implications and financial effects of attacks.

How to Prevent DDoS Attacks? [ 17 Best Practices]

In 2021, Amazon suffered a financial setback of around $34 million due to a one-hour system outage that led to a considerable loss in sales. Meta suffered a loss of nearly $100M because of Facebook’s 2021 outage. The consequences of downtime can be severe, and businesses of all sizes and governments can be affected. A DDoS attack can bring a business to a complete standstill for hours, leading to a substantial loss in revenue.

How to Access Passkeys From Multiple Devices

Accessing passkeys from multiple devices can be a hassle if you don’t use a passkey manager since they’re tied to the device on which they’re generated. This means you’d have to create a passkey on multiple devices or scan a QR code to access a passkey from devices that use different Operating Systems (OS). This is inconvenient, which is why you should consider investing in a password manager to store and manage your passkeys.

Cybersecurity's Next Frontier: SEC's Game Plan for a More Secure Financial World

In 2023 alone, there were over 3,200 reported cyberattacks, with over 350 million victims in the United States. That’s not to mention the undetected or failed attacks by these cybercriminals, both external and internal, to get access to sensitive data and customers’ Personal Identifiable Information (PII).

Phishing Attacks: The Deceptive Trap

The threat of phishing attacks looms larger than ever. The LA County Department of Public Health recently announced that 50 employees fell victim to phishing attacks, compromising sensitive patient data. These deceptive schemes have become a staple in the cyberthreat landscape, targeting individuals and businesses of all sizes. For every employee, understanding the signs and consequences of a phishing attack is crucial to safeguarding their organization.

Seeing the Unseen: Preventing Breaches by Spotting Malicious Browser Extensions

As workforce productivity increasingly depends on web-based applications, browsers have become essential gateways to the “connectivity economy.” According to recent data, 93% of desktop internet traffic in 2023 traversed through four popular web browsers.

Unfurling Hemlock: New threat group uses cluster bomb campaign to distribute malware

While reviewing common TTPs in malware campaigns used last year Outpost24’s Cyber Threat Intelligence team, KrakenLabs, came across several reports and articles describing a novel infection technique being used to distribute various types of malware not necessarily related to each other. For example, this article analyzing Amadey and this one talking about Redline.

Navigating High-Risk Customers: Essential KYC Practices

Increasing your online customer base might seem beneficial, but is it always advantageous for your business? Our guide aims to help you identify and understand customers who might pose long-term challenges, commonly referred to as high-risk customers. Financial institutions, such as banks, must adhere to regulations that require thorough customer screening to prevent fraud and money laundering.

Boost Your Site: Advanced WordPress Development Techniques

From that simple blogging tool to the advanced Content Management System running millions of websites today, WordPress has come a long way. The more popular it becomes, the greater the demand is for advanced development techniques that will set you apart amidst all the clutter in the digital landscape. We'll explore cutting-edge strategies that help take your WordPress site to the next level.