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New MOVEit Bug Actively Exploited Within Hours of Public Disclosure

A high-severity security flaw in Progress Software's MOVEit Transfer platform is being exploited in the wild just hours after its disclosure. This vulnerability, identified as CVE-2024-5806, allows attackers to bypass authentication mechanisms and pose as any valid user, thereby gaining access to sensitive files.

BrowserGPT Review: The Ultimate ChatGPT Chrome Extension for Enhanced Web Productivity

In the constantly evolving digital landscape, BrowserGPT emerges as a beacon of innovation for enhancing productivity and efficiency online. As a comprehensive ChatGPT Chrome extension, BrowserGPT offers a unique set of features that seamlessly integrate into users' web browsing experiences. This review delves into the capabilities and functionalities of BrowserGPT, evaluating its potential to redefine how we interact with content on the web.

How 360 Cameras Usher in a New Era of Trucking Safety

In the ever-growing transportation field, driver and fleet protection remains paramount. The trucking industry is constantly seeking ways to mitigate risks and ensure the well-being of drivers, passengers, and fellow road users. There were 13.86 million single-unit and combination trucks registered in 2021, as per the American Trucking Association. It represents 5% of all motor vehicles registered.

Consistent growth and disruptive business strategies set Xalient on a winning streak

Xalient announces that it has been ranked 48th in the E2E Tech 100 list in association with The Independent. This marks the second consecutive year of Xalient's recognition for its outstanding performance, sustained growth, and groundbreaking business strategies.
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Six steps to protecting data in financial services companies

There is no shortage of news headlines about companies falling victim to cyber breaches and the astounding costs associated with them. According to the IBM Cost of a Data Breach Report 2023, the global average cost of a data breach in 2023 was $4.45 million, a 15% increase since 2020. For the financial services industry, the cost is even higher at $5.9 million per breach; that is 28% above the global average.

2024 Bitsight Ratings Algorithm Update: Purpose, Observations, and Impact

As our 2024 Rating Algorithm Update (RAU) goes live on July 10, 2024, we wanted to share some research that validates this update and reinforces the importance of the RAU process. As we noted in our announcement blog, after RAU 2024, remediated Patching Cadence findings will impact the Bitsight Rating for 90 days after the last vulnerable observation instead of 300 days.

The Real-World Threat of Cyberattacks on Water infrastructure

Do you remember the last time you didn’t have water? Reliable water delivery is something many of us take for granted. Our local water treatment plant sits at the edge of our neighborhood, and I pass it every day on my way to take the kids to school. Not a lot seems to go on there, so it never occurred to me that I should be concerned about an attack on this critical infrastructure. What does occur to me is the possibility of a cyberattack on our water system.

Data Blizzard Hits LA Schools: Students data stolen in Snowflake Hack

In a recent development that has raised concerns across the education sector, Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has confirmed a significant data breach involving student information. The breach, linked to a hack of the district’s Snowflake account, has exposed sensitive data pertaining to students and employees enrolled in the sprawling district. Snowflake is a cloud database platform used by companies worldwide to store their data.