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Data Security Posture Management (DSPM) Solution | DSPM vs. CSPM

What is DSPM? Data Security Posture Management, or DSPM refers to the practice of assessing and managing an organization’s overall data security posture. It involves monitoring, evaluating, and continuously improving the effectiveness of data security controls and measures in place to protect sensitive information. What is Data Security Posture Management? It provides a holistic view of an organization’s data security status and helps identify vulnerabilities, gaps, and areas for improvement.

What is SDLC? Why Should You Opt for Secure SDLC Instead?

The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) provides a systematic framework for developing and maintaining software from conception to modification, producing high-quality software that meets stakeholder and customer requirements within specified time and cost constraints. However, traditional SDLC practices fall short of ensuring thorough application security. Why?

New standards for a faster and more private Internet

As the Internet grows, so do the demands for speed and security. At Cloudflare, we’ve spent the last 14 years simplifying the adoption of the latest web technologies, ensuring that our users stay ahead without the complexity. From being the first to offer free SSL certificates through Universal SSL to quickly supporting innovations like TLS 1.3, IPv6, and HTTP/3, we've consistently made it easy for everyone to harness cutting-edge advancements.

Understanding Network Attacks: Types, Trends, and Mitigation Strategies

At a time when digital connectivity is the lifeblood of all business operations, the specter of network attacks is greater than ever. As entities depend on complex network infrastructures, malefactors exploit vulnerabilities with growing sophistication and frequency. Understanding the diverse nature of these threats—from DoS and DDoS attacks to reconnaissance exploits—is crucial for devising effective defense strategies.

Six critical criteria for an identity lifecycle framework that strengthens your security profile

Employees come and go, and so do their identities within their organizations. On the surface, it seems a linear lifecycle, starting with onboarding and ending with offboarding, with a whole lot of access to resources in between. But it’s the “in between” where things are more complex – whether related to migration from one business unit to the next or integrating an acquisition.

Top 10 Fraud Protection Services

Fraud isn’t just evolving- it’s exploding. What once involved old-fashioned pickpockets and stolen wallets is now a digital battlefield. And scammers are getting increasingly creative, too. From sophisticated cloned websites to deceptive phishing schemes, they are making it substantially harder for businesses to protect themselves and their customers.

Why Choose a Cloud-Native Approach to Fend Off API Attacks

As organizations adopt a “digital-first” mentality, APIs have essentially become the backbone of modern applications, providing seamless integration between services, platforms, and third-party systems. For businesses, APIs help streamline processes and for consumers, APIs enable smooth and easily accessible digital services. However, an increased reliance on and growing number of APIs has also made them prime targets for cyberattacks.

FINRA Warns of Rising Risks as Third-Party Cyberattacks Threaten Financial Services

Earlier this month, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) posted a cybersecurity advisory highlighting the recent cybersecurity risks of third parties impacting its members and financial services organizations. The recently released Trustwave SpiderLabs 2024 Trustwave Risk Radar Report: Financial Services Sector underscores FINRA's concern about the escalating threat landscape facing the financial industry.