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What is Blind XSS? How to Detect and Prevent Blind XSS Attacks & Vulnerabilities?

Blind Cross-Site Scripting is a type of Cross-Site Scripting attack in which the injected script is executed in the context of another page and different circumstances compared to the page in which it was inserted. Blind XSS differs from regular XSS attacks as the attacker cannot see the effect of the injected script in his or her browser since the script is executed in a place that the attacker can not access.

Revolutionizing TLS Inspection: How Cato Networks Is Transforming Encrypted Traffic Security

In today’s digital environment, encrypted traffic has become the norm, with over 90% of web communications now utilizing encryption. While this secures data in transit, it has become a blind spot for enterprises, enabling attackers to hide malware within encrypted channels. According to the Q3 2024 Cato CTRL SASE Threat Report, organizations that enable TLS inspection block 52% more malicious traffic than organizations than don’t.

Five strategies for uncovering vulnerabilities in web applications

I’ve been working as an Application Security Auditor in Oupost24’s web application security testing team for almost three years now. Our team have shared several pieces of research over the past year, on topics including cross-site request forgery, cross-site scripting attacks, and weaponizing permissive Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) configurations.

7 Tips from a Security CTO for Balancing AI Innovation with Governance

As a modern CTO, it should probably come as no big surprise that I’m an optimist on the innovative prospects of artificial intelligence (AI). But I’ve been in this career for a long time, and that optimism is tempered with experience. I’ve seen enough emerging technology patterns to know that it always takes a lot more time and resources than people think to evolve innovative technologies beyond their final barriers.

Cracking Threat Hunting and Incident Response with XDR - Part 1

Did you know that 68% of companies that hunt threats see their overall security improve? Cyber-attacks are getting trickier and more frequent. Thousands of new vulnerabilities emerge each month, and malicious actors are using advanced techniques—like fileless attacks—to bypass traditional defenses. If you still use outdated tools, you put your company at big risk. Serious threats like ransomware can mess up your systems leaving you open to bad breaches.

Fraud Week: The Insider Threat Risk that Companies Ignore at their Peril

External risks, such as cyber scams, ransomware, and identity theft, often steal the limelight. Just look at the numbers: our threat lab reports that 105,571 malware attacks have been blocked daily in the last month, translating into one incident every second. However, insider threats, while more difficult to detect, can be just as damaging to organizations.

A CISO's grimoire for outsmarting attackers

For security leaders, staying vigilant and prepared is like wielding a well-crafted spellbook. OWASP, MITRE ATT&CK, and threat research are the critical chapters in this spellbook that leaders need to leverage to anticipate and counter emerging threats effectively, because you can’t afford for your organization to be ensnared by threats that could have been foreseen.

Azure Key Management Solution: Differentiate and Choose the Best As per the Requirement

Azure is Microsoft’s cloud, allowing for software and hardware-based or hosted in the cloud and providing computing, analytical, storage, and networking services. From these services, the users can selectively take what they want to build new applications in the public cloud or migrate other applications already running to the public cloud.

A New Era In Human Risk Management:Introducing KnowBe4 HRM+

Cybersecurity threats grow more sophisticated by the day. Amid this constant change, one truth remains: people are simultaneously our greatest security vulnerability and our strongest line of defense. It’s time to empower organizations with a new approach that minimizes human risk and maximizes protection.