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Encrypting files and emails: A beginner's guide to securing sensitive information

The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author. AT&T does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article. In today's digital age, sensitive information is constantly being shared and transmitted over various electronic devices and networks.

Updated Cato DLP Engine Brings Customization, Sensitivity Labels, and More

Last year, we launched Cato DLP to great success. It was the first DLP engine that could protect data across all enterprise applications without the need for complex, cumbersome DLP rules. Since then, we have been improving the DLP engine and adding key capabilities, including user-defined data types for increased control and integration with Microsoft Information Protection (MIP) to immediately apply sensitivity labels to your DLP policy. Let’s take a closer look.

How do Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASBs) Work and Should I Use One?

As organizations increasingly adopt cloud services and applications, securing access to these services becomes crucial to protect sensitive data and maintain compliance. Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASBs) have emerged as a key component in providing comprehensive visibility and control over cloud services.

Defining Your Organization's Attack Surface: The 4 Types of Attack Surfaces

Attack surfaces are a fundamental concept within information security. However, attack surfaces can be constituted of different things. For example, some formulations of an attack surface include not just software and hardware, but the people using them. In this post, we’re going to cover four common types of attack surface, discuss how you should think about the risks associated with each type, and best practices for addressing these risks.

How to Establish Cross-Border Transfer Systems that Help Protect Privacy

Cybersecurity, privacy and data flows will be key topics at this year’s G7 in Japan. Against this backdrop, it has been a year since last year’s amendments to the Act on Protection of Personal Information (APPI) introduced revised data breach reporting and cross-border data flow rules. Meanwhile, developments in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region have introduced data localization obligations in a variety of countries.

Data Encryption At Rest vs In Motion in Microsoft 365

Data is the most important resource that a company possesses. Any data loss event can be extremely disruptive, with serious consequences including regulatory fines, major revenue loss, and reputational damage. Data encryption is crucial for any organizations that deal with sensitive data including customer and employee information, payment details, company financials, M&A documents, government and defense data, and more.

How to Prevent Credit Card Number Exposure in Slack for PCI Compliance

For many companies, a business credit card is part of the organization’s lifeblood. As such access to it must be vigilantly maintained. One potential area of risk is employees sharing credit card details in collaborative SaaS applications like Slack, where these details are at significant risk of being exposed to unauthorized parties.

A Modern DLP Solution Has These Non-Negotiable Characteristics

Security professionals were once confident that the valuable data they protected was safely tucked away inside heavily fortified data centers. But as businesses of all sizes undergo digital transformation, moving their data to the cloud and across numerous distributed locations, the demands placed on legacy data protection systems have changed drastically.

How to Protect Customer Data in Zendesk - Part 3: Using Nightfall to protect critical stakeholder data

Nightfall’s Cloud DLP platform helps you limit access to sensitive data, by protecting the data where it is stored. With Nightfall you can redact, delete attachments, or make the data private in one click or via automated actions.

Coast Capital Savings Credit Union: Meeting Canadian Regulatory Standards for Compliance with Protegrity

One of Canada’s largest credit unions, Coast Capital Savings Credit Union (CSS), with over 50 branches across the country, needed to protect critical PII data stored in their AWS cloud environments, Amazon Redshift, AWS EMR, and AWS S3. CSS had to meet Canadian regulatory standards for compliance in 2021, including the Personal Information Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), along with a data transformation initiative surrounding its architecture.