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How to Protect Customer Data in Zendesk - Part 2: Addressing Sensitive Data Growth

The proliferation of sensitive data continues to grow unabated, particularly for support agents using Zendesk. The Zendesk’s CX Trends 2022 Report found that ticket volume had increased across all channels, with webform/email up 10% YoY and chat up 17% YoY.

Protecting Intellectual Property (IP) in the Supply Chain

Data security policies are most often targeted around insider threats and external attackers, but your distributors can equally put intellectual property (IP) protection and other sensitive data at risk. IP is arguably a business’s most valuable asset and can take the form of product designs, software code, media content, etc. Protecting your IP is important because it allows your business to maintain a competitive edge in the market and generate revenue from your innovation.

Privacy is Power: The Value of Training for Modern Data Protection

We’ve all seen it in the movies: The chief of security declares that no one could ever steal the “Famous Jewel” because it’s protected by thick glass, an impenetrable system of motion-detecting lasers, and, finally, a weight-sensitive sensor. Cut to the next scene, where a thief, dressed in sleek black, zip-lines from an open skylight, shorts the lasers, scores the glass, and with split-second timing, swaps the jewel for a replica of equal weight.

Enabling Zero Trust Data Security through Security Awareness Education

In today's interconnected world, modern organizations face an ever-increasing array of cybersecurity threats. One of the most effective ways to protect sensitive data and ensure zero trust data security is by fostering a strong culture of security awareness among employees.

Pixels/Trackers Can Collect & Transfer Data Without Consent

Analysis on 3,000 websites and over 100,000 associated webpages (using the client-side security scanning feature of Feroot Inspector) revealed that pixels/trackers are collecting and/or transferring data prior to the explicit consent (e.g., cookie acceptance) of a website user. (While some do not require actual consent for one reason or another, the consent is not explicitly made.) Table 1 shows the degree to which some pixels/trackers were present on the analyzed websites.

TikTok Trackers Can Still Be Present Regardless of TikTok App Installation

In an analysis of over 3,000 websites and over 100,000 associated webpages (using the client-side security scanning feature of Feroot Inspector) across 6 sectors, it was discovered that TikTok pixels/trackers were present on 7.41% of the analyzed websites (shown in Table 1). Here, TikTok pixels/trackers were within the code of the web pages that load into a user’s browser from those websites.

What is DLP and How Does It Work

Data loss prevention, or DLP for short, is a technology that helps companies protect their data from unauthorized access or theft. It does this by scanning all incoming and outgoing data for sensitive information and then preventing that data from leaving the company's network. In this blog post, we will discuss what DLP is and how it works!

ChatGPT DLP Filtering: How to Use ChatGPT without Exposing Customer Data

Advancements in AI have led to the creation of generative AI systems like ChatGPT, which can generate human-like responses to text-based inputs. However, these inputs are at the discretion of the user and they aren’t automatically filtered for sensitive data. This means that these systems can also be used to generate content from sensitive data, such as medical records, financial information, or personal details.

Top Cybersecurity Tools to Keep Your Data Safe

IT professionals use many tools to streamline cybersecurity tasks, including network security monitoring, penetration testing, network intrusion detection, and encryption. This not only reduces the risk of common security breaches and cyber attacks; it also protects your business’s sensitive and private data from the prying eyes of attackers. That said, not all IT security tools are equal. Some security solutions do a great job of protecting your systems and networks from malicious activities.

A Guide to Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) Markings

Defense contractors and suppliers have anxiously been awaiting news on the roll-out date for CMMC 2.0. The DoD previously indicated it would publish a final or interim final rule in 2023 to formally implement the CMMC program and contractor compliance with its requirements. There is some indication that it will now be issued as a proposed rule in May of 2023.