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Top 3 Best Practices for IT Data Security Compliance

For organizations to maintain trust and stay compliant, it’s essential to approach data security as a multi-layered effort that covers some of the top 3 best practices for IT data security compliance, which include Network Security and Access Control, Incident Response Planning, and Employee Awareness and Training.

Intelligent Data Classification: Transforming Google Drive Security

Our customers often tell us about how they implement manual classification policies. However, with several hundreds of files created daily, and constant sharing between teams, it becomes impossible to enforce secure sharing and sensitive data protection. Imagine that your sales team just accidentally shared a spreadsheet containing customer credit card details with an external vendor. Or perhaps your HR department stored employee health records in a folder that wasn't properly restricted.

Office 365 DLP: Securing Your Data with Data Loss Prevention

Data breaches happen every day, so companies need to make data security a top priority to keep private data safe and make sure they follow the rules. Data Loss Prevention (DLP) in Office 365 is a powerful tool that finds, monitors, and protects sensitive data across all platforms. This makes an organization's security stronger. Office 365 DLP helps businesses keep private data from being shared or exposed without permission.

Why data security needs a platform: what recent DSPM and DLP acquisitions tell us about the future of cybersecurity

In recent years, we've witnessed an acceleration of consolidation across the cybersecurity industry, with data security at the heart of this evolution. The rise of AI use cases has accelerated the need for protecting sensitive data for most enterprises.

Navigating the Future: Cloud Migration Journeys and Data Security

For years, businesses have been chasing innovation with cloud platforms, moving beyond the limitations of legacy technology for greater speed and agility, and sharpening their competitive edge. However, all businesses often face challenges that complicate cloud migration, driving up costs and timelines while exposing the business to data security risks. Ultimately, these challenges block businesses from experiencing the true benefits of cloud integration, and in some cases, lead to significant breaches and regulatory fines.

9 Ways Data Vampires Are Bleeding Your Sensitive Information

Beware! Remote work and the variety of collaboration tools are making it easier than ever to access and share data, leaving sensitive information at risk from data vampires. Today, we share an old dark tale for you, but just as in Grimm’s fairy tales, the lessons are still frightfully relevant.

Healthcare, Finance, and Utility Security: Meeting Data Compliance Standards Across Industries

Organizations across different industries are subject to diverse regulatory compliance frameworks, each with stringent requirements. In the healthcare, finance, and utility sectors, these standards are particularly critical due to the high sensitivity of data and the potential consequences of breaches or non-compliance. Protegrity’s data compliance platform simplifies meeting regulatory requirements by employing encryption, tokenization, and data masking.

How to Create a Data Loss Prevention Policy: A Step-by-Step Guide

With an average of more than 5 data breaches globally a day, it’s clear companies need a way to prevent data loss. This is where a data loss prevention policy comes into play. A data loss prevention policy serves as a crucial safeguard against unauthorized access, data breaches, and compliance violations. This comprehensive framework outlines strategies and procedures to identify, monitor, and protect valuable data assets across an organization’s network, endpoints, and cloud environments.

Don't be fooled: data security requires global data lineage, not "local lineage"

Securing data today requires the context provided by data lineage: where data came from, who interacted with it over time, which systems have used it, and more. But buyer beware: many vendors now claim to offer “data lineage” that only provides a tiny fraction of the context of true, global data lineage.

Password Protect PDF Files to Keep You Data Security

The PDF format is one of the most widespread ways of sharing documents worldwide. The standard used has the advantage that when shared on any device it has the same form, so it cannot happen that the document looks different on one device than on another. For this reason, a large number of people work with PDF files and it is impossible to avoid handling them.