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Getting Started with Protegrity's API Playground

For organizations handling sensitive data, finding a secure and efficient way to test data protection solutions is crucial. The Protegrity API Playground offers a straightforward way to test Protegrity’s data protection features. The Playground grants you 10,000 API requests after registration to use as you see fit: protecting names, addresses, credit card numbers – or any other data your organization considers secure.
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The Role of Data Security in Protecting Sensitive Information Across the Finance Industry

Data is the fuel that keeps the engine of any organisation running efficiently. Its growing importance is becoming a frequent topic of conversation in boardrooms and strategy meetings. Companies increasingly know the need to protect their sensitive information and continue investing heavily in cybersecurity measures. However, this approach has a critical oversight: The assumption that investing in cybersecurity alone is sufficient to safeguard data.

Backup Postgres Database: Key Steps for Data Security

If you manage customer information, financial records, or business intelligence, learning how to backup Postgres databases effectively is a must-have skill. This guide offers practical steps to secure your data, covering various backup types and strategies to keep your information safe and recoverable. We show you how to create a solid backup plan for your Postgres databases, reducing downtime risks and safeguarding your organization’s most valuable asset.

Understanding the Implications of the New Australian Cyber Security Act for Your Organisation

The newly passed Australian Cyber Security Act is part of the reform laid out in the 2023–2030 Australian Cyber Security Strategy. The legislation aims to fill gaps in Australia’s overall cyber resilience and support the government’s ambition to become the most secure country globally.

The Role of Data Architecture in Managing Data Effectively

As businesses manage their data, an effective and well-implemented data architecture is the blueprint companies need to utilize, structure, and store data to ensure it is handled safely and securely without interrupting business operations. Furthermore, businesses must consider how they can manage data while also complying with numerous regulations and auditing processes to prevent the risk of data breaches and cyber or network attacks.

Loose AWS API keys: what's your real risk?

97% of enterprise leaders consider a well-executed API strategy critical in driving their organization's growth and protecting revenue streams, yet according to a recent study, 84% of security professionals reported API security incidents over the past year. In March, a GitHub breach exposed nearly 13 million API secrets that users had left in the repository over time, severely impacting customer trust and causing reputational damage.

Data Leakage Protection Solutions on the Rise Amid Increasing Cyber Threats

Protecting their private data is always a task for businesses in today's cyber world, where data breaches and cyberattacks are steadily on the rise. One of the biggest threats to data privacy and security is data leakage, which happens when private information leaves an organization's secure setting either by accident or on purpose. Companies all over the world are realizing they need Data Leakage Protection (DLP) options right away because of the growing number of high-profile data breaches.

How to Master Data Security Online for Businesses and Employees

Data security is becoming a monumental challenge for businesses and individuals as we all try to manage and protect our data online. We maintain a balance of security, privacy, and backups to protect our information and that of others. Businesses must navigate complex regulations alongside data breach protection to mitigate the risks of cyberattacks and financial loss with complex cloud infrastructures and disaster recovery methods.