Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


The evolution of cloud security: Lessons from the past to navigate the future

Remember asking your teachers when you would need to know history facts outside of school? They probably said that learning history is important in understanding our past and how society has changed and progressed over time, and that we can learn from past experiences and mistakes. They were right, of course (even if it might not have felt like it then). And that’s all equally true when it comes to the history of security.

SecurityScorecard is now part of AWS OMNIA

SecurityScorecard is excited to announce that we are now an AWS OMNIA partner. This unlocks a critical opportunity for the 90,000 buying organizations that make up the OMNIA partner network to reduce and manage Supply Chain Cyber Risks. The third party attack surface is a fast growing risk vector and SecurityScorecard offers an industry leading solution to help organizations combat these threats.

How to install the Internxt CLI to connect to a WebDAV client

This video explains how to get started with the Internxt CLI so you can then connect to your preferred WebDAV client and manage your files via a Command-Line Interface and WebDAV for Windows and Mac. A CLI (Command Line Interface) offers precise control, security, automation capabilities, and efficiency, making it ideal for advanced users. The Internxt CLI guarantees your files' complete privacy and security, as all files are encrypted directly on your device, and no plain data is transmitted to the WebDAV server, protecting you from data breaches.

How to connect a WebDAV server to Internxt Drive

This short tutorial shows you how to use WebDAV by connecting to a WebDAV server to upload your Internxt Drive files via the Internxt CLI, ensuring your files are securely transferred and accessible. Once you have downloaded the Internxt CLI, you can connect and interact with your Internxt cloud storage via your preferred WebDAV server, we support: CyberDuck, Transmit, Cadaver, or Finder.

How to upload Internxt Drive files to WebDAV

This short tutorial shows you how to upload your Internxt Drive files to your preferred WebDAV server via the Internxt CLI to ensure your files are securely transferred and accessible. Now you are set up with the Internxt CLI and have connected to a WebDAV server, and you’re ready to get started and upload your files to WebDAV! This short video gives a quick, easy-to-follow guideline for uploading files to a WebDAV server. Uploading files is just the beginning of what you can do with WebDAV, and the Internxt CLI allows you to.

Thwarting Cyberattacks: Top In-House Solutions

There is no doubt that the number (and severity) of cyberattacks is on the rise. While the lion's share of attention has been devoted to major breaches that often impact multinational organisations, the fact of the matter is that small- to medium-sized enterprises are also at risk. This is why managers and stakeholders must adopt the latest safety protocols to avoid incidents that might otherwise quickly bring operations to a halt. Let us look at four practical suggestions, and the unique benefits associated with each.

Advancing Threat Intelligence: JA4 fingerprints and inter-request signals

For many years, Cloudflare has used advanced fingerprinting techniques to help block online threats, in products like our DDoS engine, our WAF, and Bot Management. For the purposes of Bot Management, fingerprinting characteristic elements of client software help us quickly identify what kind of software is making an HTTP request. It’s an efficient and accurate way to differentiate a browser from a Python script, while preserving user privacy.

Understanding Cloud Misconfiguration: Risks, Prevention, and Solutions

Cloud configuration remains a critical priority for organizations leveraging cloud services, which today, is practically universal. Cloud misconfigurations, in turn, can lead to security vulnerabilities and compliance issues. That’s why it’s more important than ever for organizations to get this fundamental security function right. Here’s what you need to know about cloud misconfiguration, from what causes it to how to remediate it when it does occur. ‍