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API Security: Understanding Types, Challenges, and Best Practices

The digital world has brought advancements in all sorts of life. The applications communicate with each other over the internet to deliver effective service. API is an application language that interacts with the application server to extract the client’s intended information and produce it readable. It is estimated that the global API market will reach about 13.7 billion US dollars by 2027. This user-friendly software makes the business organization widely adopt it to enhance their growth.

Security Competency and More - Deepening our Ties with AWS

Since a lot of our customers build and run their applications in AWS, our partnership and joint solution delivery with AWS provides enormous value. We’re excited to share that we’ve deepened our ties to AWS in two compelling ways, by achieving AWS WAF Ready Status and earning AWS Security Competency. Salt is the first and only API security company in both of these vital AWS programs.

API7:2019 Security Misconfiguration: The What, Sample Exploits, and Prevention Methods

Security misconfigurations are very common security risks, not just in web applications but also in APIs. They have been consistently part of the OWASP Top 10 Web Application Vulnerabilities. They were part of the original OWASP Top 10 API Security Risks published in 2019 and have now made it to the updated 2023 list. Security misconfiguration maintains its 7th rank in OWASP Top 10 API 2023RC owing to its widespread prevalence, easy exploitability, and easy detectability.

Salt Wins UK Trophy for Best Cybersecurity Solution!

We have smashing news to share! Salt Security has been named Cybersecurity Solution of the Year in the Prestigious National Technology Awards – our first award in the UK and a brilliant recognition! Organized by National Technology News, the National Technology Awards celebrate the pioneers of technology and encourage excellence, providing the most comprehensive celebration of technology of the year.

Salt Labs exposes a new vulnerability in popular OAuth framework, used in hundreds of online services

This post is the second in a series describing OAuth implementation issues that put companies at risk. We create these posts to share rich technical details, drawn from real-world use cases, to educate the broader industry on the nature of these errors, their potential impact, and how to avoid them to better protect API ecosystems.

From Response To Request, Adding Your Own Variables Inside Of GraphQL Queries For Account Take Over

For those wondering what GraphQL is… “GraphQL is a query language for your API, and a server-side runtime for executing queries using a type system you define for your data. GraphQL isn't tied to any specific database or storage engine and is instead backed by your existing code and data.”

The implications of adding SAST to your CI/CD pipeline

DevSecOps is all about better integrating security into the software development life cycle (SDLC). When combined with the desire to automate repetitive tasks, the inevitable conclusion is to put any repeatable testing tool into your app’s build pipeline. For any tooling that involves code analysis, it makes sense to sync up with existing testing workflows. That’s where CI comes in.