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A powerful assistant for smoke exhaust duct monitoring

In modern building systems, fire safety has always been an important link that cannot be ignored. The complexity and density of people in buildings make the consequences disastrous once a fire occurs. As an important part of the building fire protection system, the importance of smoke exhaust ducts is self-evident.

Best 8 RBAC Tools Every Kubernetes Admin Should Know in 2025

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is important for managing permissions in Kubernetes environments, ensuring that users have the appropriate level of access to resources. However, organizations often encounter challenges in effectively managing their role-based access control systems, which can lead to security vulnerabilities and compliance issues. Below are the best RBAC tool options for managing Kubernetes RBAC, ensuring compliance and enhancing security within cloud-native applications.

The Role of Chinese Function Verbs () in Classical and Modern Chinese

Chinese function verbs, collectively referred to as , play a significant role in Chinese grammar. They can modify verbs, adjectives, entire sentences, and have been crucial especially in ancient Chinese for conveying nuance and meaning, and they continue to evolve in modern Mandarin. This article explores the importance of these grammatical components, their historical development, and how they fit into the evolving landscape of Chinese language learning. Mastering function words in Chinese is essential for both children and adults learning Mandarin.

Managing Customer Assurance: Insights to streamline security reviews and build trust

With rising security threats and more customers demanding transparency around vendors’ security postures, customer assurance has become an important step to building trust. The Ultimate Guide to Managing Customer Assurance and Security Reviews highlights how traditional processes fall short—and why innovative approaches like integrated security portals are the future. Here are the key takeaways.

Why PowerShell Send-MailMessage Is Deprecated and What to Use Instead

PowerShell is an indispensable tool for task automation, configuration management, system monitoring and querying data. But you can also send email with PowerShell. For instance, PowerShell scripts can monitor systems and post email alerts for specific events, resource constraints or completed tasks. However, it’s critical to ensure that emails are sent in a secure manner.

Rainbow Table Attacks: How They Work and How to Defend Against Them

Many common password attack methods are quite straightforward — much like trying various physical keys to open the lock on a door. For example, in brute force attacks, adversaries systematically guess passwords until they find the correct one. Or instead of simply guessing, they can use a list of username/password combinations leaked from other breaches (credential stuffing) or cycle through known usernames combined with commonly used passwords (password spraying).