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How to Keep Your Data Secure as a Digital Nomad

Now that remote work has become the norm, employees are taking advantage of this opportunity to travel the globe and work from anywhere in the world—as long as it’s within company policy. With the rise of digital nomads, it is important that you know how to keep yourself safe from cyberattacks when working remotely from city to city. This blog will help you understand what you need to do to secure your data as a digital nomad.

Automate Keeper Device Approval in the Cloud with Azure

Keeper’s powerful Automator eliminates the repetitive task of device approval for Keeper administrators. With Keeper Automator, users will enjoy instant access to Keeper on any new device without having to wait for manual administrative approval. Now with Microsoft Azure support, administrators can deploy Keeper Automator to an Azure Container Service, providing a fully cloud hosted instance of Automator.

What to Do After a Password-Related Data Breach

Some organizations might think they’re saving money by not investing in proper cybersecurity solutions, but one data breach could bankrupt a company. In fact, the average cost of a data breach has reached an all-time high of $4.35 million, according to a 2022 report by IBM and the Ponemon institute. Companies must take measures to secure their data and avoid potentially dire financial consequences.

Keeper Security Wins 2022 Cybersecurity Breakthrough Award for Privileged Access Management Solution of the Year

We are proud to announce that Keeper Security has been recognized as the 2022 Privileged Access Management Solution of the Year in the 6th annual Cybersecurity Breakthrough Awards. The Tech Breakthrough organization, a global market intelligence and recognition platform for innovative technology companies, conducts the awards program “to honor excellence and recognize the creativity, hard work and success of cybersecurity companies, technologies and products.”

How to Stay Safe Online While Traveling Abroad

Traveling abroad is exciting, but the possibility of having your data stolen is not. To stay safe online while traveling abroad you should be cautious of how much you share on social media, avoid public WiFi and more. Keep reading to learn how to stay safe online before and during that next big trip.

What is Social Engineering?

Social engineering is the psychological manipulation used to get others to do things or reveal private information. Between 70% and 90% of data breaches involve social engineering. Social engineering is currently one of the largest cybersecurity dangers facing both small and large enterprises. These “human hacking” techniques are commonly used in cybercrime to trick unwary users into disclosing information, dispersing malware infections or granting access to restricted systems.

Ransomware Losses Prompting Cyber Insurers to Raise Rates and Slash Coverage

The year 2021 had the dubious distinction of being the most prolific for ransomware on record, and the onslaught didn’t stop in 2022. It’s now estimated that every 14 seconds, a business falls victim to a ransomware attack. Ransomware attacks aren’t just happening more often.

Keeper Secrets Manager: Remove Hard-Coded Credentials Forever

Privileged credentials are some of the highest-value targets for cybercriminals – is your organization still hard-coding credentials and putting itself at risk? Keeper Secrets Manager is a fully managed cloud-based, zero-knowledge platform for securing infrastructure secrets such as API keys, database passwords, access keys, certificates and any type of confidential data. Watch this recorded webinar to learn how to secure your environment and eliminate secrets sprawl with Keeper Secrets Manager – ​​finally remove hard-coded credentials forever!