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Is it Safe to Use Unsecured WiFi in Hotels?

No, it is not safe to use unsecured WiFi in hotels. Using any public WiFi network presents a risk to your private information and security. There are many threats that you become vulnerable to on unsecured hotel WiFi such as a man-the-middle attack or malware. Read on to learn more about the risks of using unsecured WiFi in hotels and how you can stay safe if you can’t avoid using it.

Create a Shared Folder

Keeper’s Shared Folders make sharing records with friends and family both easy and secure. Our Shared Folders provide great flexibility with improved User and Record Permission controls. To create a shared folder, click the Create New button and select Shared Folder. Enter a folder name and use the dropdown arrows to set the folder’s default user and record permissions.

Securing Lawyers and In-House Legal Teams from Cyber Risks

Whether they’re part of a law firm or in-house counsel within a company, lawyers handle sensitive information every day. That alone makes them prized targets for cybercriminals. The American Bar Association’s 2021 Technology Survey Report found that 25% of lawyers in the United States have experienced a data breach before.

How Does Keeper Protect Your Data? Security and Transparency.

Keeper Security’s zero-trust and zero-knowledge encryption model ensures that even in a worst case scenario, all of the contents of your Keeper vault would be protected with multiple layers of safeguards and encryption. Keeper has stood by its commitment to protect your most valuable data for more than a decade, through our best-in-class security model and transparent approach to sharing it with the public.

Preventing Cyberattacks Against HR Teams

IT leaders count on Human Resource (HR) departments to be partners in promoting an organizational culture that values security. From setting device usage policies on an employee’s first day to facilitating security training and awareness, HR has an important role to play in the adoption of IT policies. In their day-to-day roles, HR is critical to security in its own right.

How to Stay Compliant with HIPAA Password Requirements

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is U.S. legislation that sets national privacy and security standards to protect the privacy of patient health information and prevent data breaches. In addition to doctors, hospitals, other healthcare providers, health insurance companies and “business associates” of healthcare organizations fall under HIPAA regulations.

Preventing Cyberattacks Against Marketing Teams

In promoting a company and its products, marketing oversees critical points of contact between the business and its customers. Marketing teams make sure a company and its products are known in the broader market, gain the interest of potential customers and guide customers through the buying process. Just as importantly, marketing teams promote and steward a company’s brand — one of its most valuable assets.

How to Reduce Your Attack Surface With Secure Password Management

Getting hold of a set of working login credentials is the simplest way for a cybercriminal to breach any network, which is why employee passwords are so highly sought-after by threat actors. Thanks to cloud computing, smart devices, mobility and the rise of remote work, organizations have more people and devices connecting to their networks, from more locations, than ever before.

Keeper Demo for Teams and Small Business

Keeper eliminates the pain of having to remember passwords while protecting your business from password-related data breaches and cyberthreats. This video will demonstrate all that Keeper has to offer your small business and provide you with step-by-step instructions to get your team up and running in no time. If you're looking for an Enterprise demo with SSO and advanced capabilities, make sure to check out Keeper Enterprise.