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Using a Password Manager When Changing iPhones

You should use a password manager when upgrading to a new iPhone because it will make transferring all your account credentials more seamless and you’ll be able to update any weak passwords, making your accounts more secure. Although Apple provides a built-in password manager, iCloud Keychain is not as safe as using a dedicated password manager. A password manager offers more security and convenience to store, manage and share your personal information.

Debit Card vs Credit Card: Which Is More Secure Online?

Although both debit and credit cards provide easy methods of payment, credit cards have better fraud protection which makes them more secure to use online. Credit card fraud can easily happen through security breaches or cyberattacks that steal your payment card information. It’s important to use the most secure payment method to protect yourself from the damaging effects of credit card fraud.

Work-From-Home Job Scams You Should Know About

Some common Work-From-Home (WFH) job scams you should be aware of include reshipping job scams, MLM job scams, job placement service scams, envelope stuffing and data entry job scams. Continue reading to learn about the most common work-from-home scams you should be aware of, the signs that point to a work-from-home job scam and how to avoid becoming a victim.

How To Protect Your Financial Accounts Online

You can protect your financial accounts online by using strong passwords, updating your software, avoiding suspicious links and attachments, reducing your digital footprint and turning on financial alerts. Protecting your financial information is important to prevent identity theft and credit card fraud from happening to you. Identity theft can be emotionally draining and leave you financially bankrupt.

Enforcing Least Privilege Mitigates Identity Provider Takeover Attacks

Single Sign-On (SSO) solutions are designed to provide seamless access to important resources for employers and contractors at millions of organizations worldwide. By enabling only one point of access for all the applications a user needs to perform their job, SSO has become ubiquitous for enterprises to streamline operations.

What Is an Exploit Kit?

An exploit kit is a toolkit that cybercriminals use to attack the security vulnerabilities of a system or device to distribute malware. An exploit is a bit of code that takes advantage of security vulnerabilities found within software and hardware. Cybercriminals collect these bits of code and compile them into a kit that can target multiple security vulnerabilities at once, and secretly install malware on devices.

How To Secure Remote Desktop Protocol

Remote work has increased the usage of Remote Desktop Protocol. However, Remote Desktop Protocol connections can have many vulnerabilities if not properly secured. The best way to secure Remote Desktop Protocol connections is by creating strong login credentials and using a secure network. This will help protect your company from cyberattacks that could compromise sensitive data.