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Password Management

Keeper One-Time Share for Android

Keeper "One-Time Share" provides time-limited, secure sharing with anyone, even if they don’t have a Keeper account. One-Time Share is the most secure way to send confidential information to a friend, family member or co-worker without exposing sensitive information in plain text over email, text message or messaging. To share a record using One-Time Share on an Android device, select the record and tap Share. From the options, select One-Time Share. Next, tap the One-Time Share icon in the lower right corner of your screen and select your preferred record access expiration.

Random but Memorable - Episode 9.8: Sentient Chatbot Croissant Insights

Has a Google AI chatbot become sentient? And will a U.S. ban on the sale of location and health data make a difference? Join us this episode to find out, as we discuss everything from savory croissants to cross-site browser cookies. 🥐🍪 We also invite Scott Lougheed, 1Password’s Manager of Education & Training, to the show, to celebrate the launch of Insights from 1Password: An intuitive new dashboard for 1Password Business users.

1Password Developer Fireside Chat: Serde Deserializers

Join 1Password senior developer, Nathan West, as he discusses Serde, a Rust library that enables Rust to talk to wire formats like JSON, YAML, XML, or more binary formats like MessagePack. Nathan shares how Serde facilitates a way to interchange between wire formats and Rust data in a very efficient way, without going through a lot of intermediary data structures or allocations. Later, Nathan breaks down the Serde data model, and, step by step, takes you through writing a.csv deserializer from scratch.

Introducing 1Password for Visual Studio Code

In writing software, we’re used to embedding secrets and other configurable values right in the codebase. They might be Stripe keys to power your online shop, webhooks for a custom Slack bot, a Docker username and password for a CI config, AWS credentials, or an API token and host to set up 1Password Connect.