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Stackrox Acquisition: The Race to Secure Containers

Today, Red Hat announced its intent to acquire Stackrox. This is a very exciting development in the world of cloud-native security! First and foremost, congratulations to Stackrox, an early participant in the container security space. This acquisition is a great outcome for Stackrox given their nascent scale and on-premises offering.

5 Best practices for ensuring secure container images

Most modern organizations understand that the earlier you integrate security into the development process, the more secure the applications will be in production. For containerized workloads, securing the container image throughout the application life cycle is a critical part of security, but many organizations don’t even follow basic best practices for ensuring secure container images.

Detect CVE-2020-8554 using Falco

CVE-2020-8554 is a vulnerability that particularly affects multi-tenant Kubernetes clusters. If a potential attacker can create or edit services and pods, then they may be able to intercept traffic from other pods or nodes in the cluster. An attacker that is able to create a ClusterIP service and set the spec.externalIPs field can intercept traffic to that IP. In addition, an attacker that can patch the status of a LoadBalancer service can set the status.loadBalancer.ingress.ip to similar effect.

Preventing malicious use of Weave Scope

Intezer and Microsoft reported on Sept. 9 that TeamTNT hackers are deploying Weave Scope in compromised systems as an auxiliary tool in their intrusions. Weave Scope is a legitimate and powerful tool to manage server infrastructure that, once deployed, makes it easy to control all resources. In this article, we will describe how this tool can be used maliciously, and how to add specific checks in your security set up to look for it.

See and Secure containers on AWS Fargate

Tune into our #LinkedInLive event on December 9 from 11:30am-12pm PST and join Sysdig and Amazon Web Services (AWS) experts, Pawan Shankar and Eric Carter, to learn how to scan #AWS #Fargate containers in under 4 minutes with Sysdig Secure. Join this live discussion to learn how Sysdig Secure closes the visibility and security gap by providing the first automated #Fargate inline scanning.

Your team is running containers, but are they secure?

Organizations are modernizing IT infrastructure, restructuring teams, and accelerating application delivery with containers and Kubernetes. As with any technology, organizations are at various places within their journey. However, according to Gartner, more than 75% of global organizations will be running containerized apps in production by 2022. Chances are your team is using containers for some applications.

Security, compliance, and visibility for Amazon EKS-D

Today AWS unveiled the Amazon EKS Distro (EKS-D) and Sysdig is excited to deliver support for the new Kubernetes distribution with our Secure DevOps solutions. Wherever you choose to run EKS-D to run container applications, Sysdig can also be used to detect and respond to runtime threats, continuously and validate compliance, as well as monitor and troubleshoot.

Securing Kubernetes clusters with Sysdig and Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management

In this blog, we introduce the new integration between Sysdig Secure and Red Hat® Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes that protects containers, Kubernetes, and cloud infrastructure with out-of-the-box policies based on the Falco open-source runtime security project. Organizations are quickly growing their Kubernetes footprint and need ways to achieve consistent management and security across clusters.