Data Privacy Day (DPD) is January 28. Sounds exciting, right? I’m sure you’ve got the pinata stuffed and the presents on the way.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a set of provisions and requirements governing data protection and privacy for individuals across the European Union. It applies to any business or public body — inside or outside the EU — that handles the personal data of EU residents. Essentially, GDPR requirements govern the way companies process and store personally identifiable information (PII).
Five hundred years ago, astronomers believed the Earth was at the center of the universe. They calculated the orbits of the planets, the sun, and other stars based on this truth. Turns out, these calculations were not very accurate and astronomers had to repeatedly and incorrectly model their equations to conform with this truth. That was until Nicolaus Copernicus challenged the premise of the Earth at the center of the universe and posited the Sun to be at the center of the solar system.
Being in cybersecurity line of business and being aware of the issues faced by multiple small to mid-sized businesses, we often come across various jargon which may be unclear to some. One of the most common questions for SMEs is should they focus on cloud security or network security. It is hard for SMEs to prioritise their security budget and find affordability with security. To make an informed decision, it’s important to understand the options.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) set a huge precedent in modern digital privacy regulation. We've seen regions throughout the world adopt similar data protection laws in the time since its inception, and the financial liabilities are only part of the story. Customers and users of software products are now savvier than ever when it comes to understanding the importance of data privacy rights.
In their debut LP, Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo!, the band introduces their defining theme that mankind’s evolution has reached the point—devolved to the point, actually—that we are converging on sameness… emotionless and robotic. This notion informed everything from the way Devo dressed (awesome!), to the music they wrote, to the way they performed. What does the band Devo’s theme of devolution have to do with me joining a software company of the same name?