Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


CloudCasa Adds AWS Cloud Security Posture to Kubernetes Security Posture Reviews

Continuing with our security-first approach to Kubernetes data protection, in addition to Kubernetes Security Posture Reviews to scan your environment for vulnerabilities and misconfigurations, CloudCasa also added Cloud Security Posture Management for Amazon Web Services (AWS). Most attacks on cloud are the result of misconfigurations and mistakes, per industry analyst, Gartner. The research firm went on to forecast that through 2025, 99% of such attacks would be the customer’s fault.

CloudCasa Adds to Cyber Resilience with Kubernetes Security Posture Reviews

CloudCasa was built to provide data protection services for Kubernetes and cloud native workloads. As a SaaS backup solution for Kubernetes, CloudCasa was designed from the ground up to be a secure, well-architected, SaaS platform that improves a customer’s security posture against sophisticated cyber-attacks.

Kubernetes Security Posture Review and Cross-Cluster Restores with New CloudCasa Release

We’re officially more than halfway through winter here in the northern hemisphere, and although that famous Pennsylvania groundhog Punxsutawney Phil has just predicted six more weeks of cold and snow, we have some good news that we think helps make up for it. We’re announcing a major new release of CloudCasa features!

CloudCasa - How to Deploy CloudCasa on a Rafay Managed Cluster

With Rafay and CloudCasa, enterprises can manage and protect Kubernetes distributions and immediately gain centralized automation, security, visibility, data protection and governance capabilities for Kubernetes and application lifecycle management – across public clouds such as AWS, Azure and GCP.

CloudCasa Introduces New Starter Plan, Bring-Your-Own Storage, and more Application Support for Kubernetes Backup-as-Service

The CloudCasa elves has been busy in their workshop for the past few months, and in December we delivered a stocking full of brand-new Kubernetes data protection goodies just in time for the holidays!

CloudCasa Certified OpenShift Operator Installation Demo

CloudCasa now seamlessly integrates with Red Hat OpenShift via a certified CloudCasa operator, enabling the delivery of comprehensive backup and recovery for your Kubernetes configuration and application data. From the console of Red Hat OCP, you can easily deploy CloudCasa to your clusters to provide comprehensive backup and recovery functions.

Why CloudCasa is the Best Choice for Backup and Recovery of Red Hat OpenShift

Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform (OCP) is an enterprise-grade Kubernetes platform for building, deploying, running, and managing containerized applications in a hybrid world. The reality is that with Red Hat OCP, building, deploying, running, and managing containerized workloads couldn’t be any easier.

CloudCasa Launches Kubernetes Persistent Volume Backup with Simple Pricing, Automation and Secure Cloud Storage

Just in time for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2021, Catalogic Software launched the general availability of its premium service for CloudCasa, a powerful Kubernetes backup service that is easy to use, affordable and comes with a generous free service tier. With our Activate Your Kubernetes Backup Superpower theme at KubeCon, CloudCasa unleashes the backup superpower for DevOps and IT teams.